WORK HAS OFFICIALLY BANISHED ME AS OF A FEW MINUTES AGO! I guess that today was my last day of work and not this coming Friday!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I was mysteriously signed out of my work account a few minutes ago . . . while working. So naturally, I try to sign back in, but this time I don't get hastily scooped up in the loving arms of my work place's infrastructure. Instead, this time around, I'm met with this:



You see, I was originally under the impression that I would be working until this coming Friday, so this came as quite the surprise. What's weird is this wasn't communicated to me whatsoever, just BAM! Blindsided by the boot of the man.

I was actually in the middle of working on stuff, but seeing as I am no longer "in the system," I no longer work "for the system." So needless to say, my work day has been sliced a little short! My time on the clock ends when I'm no longer being paid for that time, and I'm assuming that, that is now.

So hello everyone, I do not have a job anymore! My time is now MY time. Time to address many important things in life that have been being neglected the past work-stint.

Time to roam the Earth at any time, day or night. Time to wake up when I want to. Time to do what I want to. Time to wear what I want to. Time to go where I want to for as long as I want to go. Time to go to sleep when I want to. There is no greater feeling than to know that your time is at YOUR discretion.

Thank you, technology. Thank you, Steem(it). Thank you cryptocurrency in general! Thank you, Satoshi Nakomoto, you ethereal, celestial being, you. Thank you, half pint of Courvoisier VSOP that I drank that gave me the balls to finally submit my letter of resignation. You have ALL made this a feasible possibility, and now a reality. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

This message NOT brought to you by Courvoisier VSOP. But . . . it IS good.

I have a feeling you guys will be seeing quite a bit more of myself as well as my wife, @kotturinn. We're looking forward to it! Hope everyone is doin' as good as you've ever been doin'!

See y'all when I have something better to post about!



It is about damn time! Congratulations! Live it up and make it count. The world awaits you.

I'M ON IT!!!

Hahah thats crazy man! Now you get to live life like me, don't have to worry about time! I hope only the best for you! :)

But . . . YOU HAVE SCHOOL!!! Haaaa!

Summer break ;)

Yup, but ye shall returneth! CHERISH THE FREEDOM.

Planning on taking online school next year!!!

Niceeee, just make sure you actually do your work and don't neglect learning! Stay motivated and disciplined and you'll do great.

That's the plan my man!!!!


Haaha!! That's really crazy! Well, I'm all for waking up and going to sleep whenever you want! All the best man!!

The struggle is real my friend. I'm sure it'll work out. If you are a lover of cognac have you try Courvoisier's Napoleon Cognac? I don't work for them nor am I trying to make an endorsement. Its a lot smoother than most other cognacs and leaves a good impression.

Outside of steemit if you want any ideas toward supplementing and bettering your income let me know. I'm a fan of saying screw the system and power to the people. By the way I'm not selling dreams but work in marketing and know my way around for people that want to be location independent.

I'm sure it will as well! This departure is all for broader horizons, it was by choice :-). I have no much to deal with in my personal life as well as bigger aspirations in life. It's time take care of them all and get things going! It's time for PROGRESS!!!

I am indeed a huge Cognac fan, it's one of my favorite varieties of liquor, if not my very favorite. It's at least a close tie with Bourbon. I haven't tried the Napoleon, but now I'm certainly going to have to give it a shot!

As for ideas, I'm always all ears on that front. I am an information sponge and I love to have things to think about and consider. So if you have anything to say, I have plenty of time to listen and converse :-).

I just followed you and took note that we're into some of the same music. Given that you like Com Truise I take it you're into Kavinsky, Tycho, and Macintosh Plus, Lazerhawk, and Miami Nights 1984 . It may sound weird but when I hear those tunes I feel like I'm cruising an empty road in a 1980's video game. I know you've been here for a while and have a better hold on this site than I do. I'm not looking to whore myself out like some troll under a bridge giving handies, B and ZJ's as a lot of people are willing to do on here. If you're willing to would you be up for taking on someone to mentor? If not that's fine too as I'm still here.

You lucky Barstard. Cast adrift on the sea of infinite possibilities.

Follow suit! Drifting has commenced!

glad you at least got the VSOP!!!! with all this free time you should def have stuff to post about now and the time to do it!!!

I wish I had the XO!!!

Haha, yeah, I wish. But now all of my time is going to be devoted to addressing some familial issues as well and planning for my future company that I'm going to form with my best friend.

This post received a 34% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @cryplectibles! For more information, click here!

w00t! Again?! @cryplectibles is a sweetie pie!!!

Hi @matt-a I hope you are still making it to steemfest! When you are ready to start cranking code or whatever, particularly that which relates to Graphene or anticipated Graphene-esque blockchains, let me know. I'm hiring. :-)

Oh we're definitely going! As in @AGORIC.SYSTEMS! So far it's me, @kotturinn, and @robrigo. Certainly a few more will be tagging along. CAN'T WAIT! The wife has some family in Lisbon we're gonna stay with, so that'll be cool, two birds with one stone!

Hmm, what're you doing with Graphene at the moment? Mine and @robrigo's new company, @AGORIC.SYSTEMS will be primarily focusing on the Graphene ecosystem! Maybe we can collaborate on some level? That would be pretty awesome.

Congrats on taking the leap! Hip, hip, hooray for courvoisier!

Thanks! It wasn't easy.

Oh dear, crazy shit, hopefully this will be an awesome thing in the end, I'm sorry it just happened and that feeling ain't here yet, enjoy the drink and weekend with the wife!

All hail Nakomoto

Oh it's already awesome. I was very much looking forward to this day :-).


You found me fast!

You're making me very curious about why you were looking forward to the last day so much O:) because now it sounds like your job really sucked... Haha! Was that the case?
Anyhow, I hope you're stable enough financially to enjoy this freedom for a while before you start to stress about paying rent and stuff. Enjoy! ;)
And I will be following you because I'm really curious about what you'll be doing from now on and your writing style made me laugh out loud :P Haha!

The universe has spoken you are now in control of your destiny...
Make it so 0_0


Impromptu time off is the best! Enjoy it.

It's better than the best! Oh trust me, it shall be thoroughly enjoyed.

Good post and interesting to read ....thanks @matt-a

You're welcome. Thanks for reading!

thanks again..:)

It s perfect time for you and your wife @kotturinn to celebrate it with a nice holiday! ^_^

Yep! I think that we will be doing that very shortly. I owe her a couple of vacations at this point, but work had previously stifled all of that. Now it's time to actually DO stuff!!!

Haha...look forward her amazing travel pictures :)

If there's one thing for you to look forward to, it's the 48957480592743589 pictures that we'll be taking! haha

We have a pretty awesome camera from when I was professionally doing photo/video work on the side. We have a Canon 5D Mark III, that camera is absolutely mind-blowing, especially when you learn to use it properly.

I ll take that as a complement for@kotturinn :) I like how she present her photos ...

Sounds like Freedom to me! ENJOY! :)

You're damn right it's FREEDOM! I've waited a long time for this, and this time I'm never letting it go haha.

hahahah! good for you! :)

Good !

This calls for a little throwback of about 15 years... time for some Odd Todd: A Day In The Life, Laid Off!

Thanks to the crypto world. Enjoy your freedom.

Without it, this would not be a possibility! Gonna start a church around it haha.

Hahahahaha! I might be a member of your church if you promise to share the offering with me.!

Haha, I will be splitting all of the tithes with my congregation, so it's a deal!

Congratulations!! Come over to gardening and share the love.

We actually have a pretty decent little garden again this year in the back yard. Some of last years herbs have spread themselves everywhere! It's pretty cool to see nature in action like that.

Yeah the herbs can go nuts. Actually some can be difficult to contain. It's all good though. Gardening is my passion.

Yep, I'm glad to see them come back again this year to say hi . . . AND LET ME EAT THEM!!!

haha Awesome! You cant quit! you're FIRED!


They got me!

Congratulations it's an exciting time for you @matt-a. I'm sure your go far without the ball and chain (aka work) attached!

EXACTLY! Thanks.

That's also my mode of thinking.

Welcome to our world @matt-a, take some time to decompress ❤️

That's what I'm looking forward to the most, being able to take life at my pace and not someone else's.

Thank you :-).

You are welcome, and thank you for supporting me🦋

You're most welcome. Thanks for always being a positive and basing influence!

Now you can get to something more fun.

Yep, that's one of the ultimate goals. I lik(ed) the job, but I had more pressing matters in life and it was really robbing me of the ability to address them.

Congrats @matt-a - big fan of yours! Enjoy the newfound time off.

That's cool, thanks! Oh trust me, I'm going to. Been waiting for this for quite some time now!

Its good for you...

I'm convinced that there's nothing better for you, actually haha.

So did they cut you access of after you submitted your resignation letter? Sometimes companies do that so people won't try to do something malicious before they go.

Yeah, well, a week and a few days after I submitted it. We are/were on totally peaceful terms. But yeah, it's a computer security company so they definitely may have taken that route.

Well enjoy the Courvoisier!!!

That was inspiring. What matters most is how we use our time. Thank you! and pass the Courvoisier :)

I just feel like saying congrats! I hope you don't take it the wrong way. I plan to quit my job very soon all of it thanks to cryptocurrency. Have fun with your time my friend.

You give me hope that one day I'll be able to escape the grind and just live. Every so often I'll get a long weekend, vacation, time between jobs and realize just how much is out there. Congratulations!

Hey, I am waiting for being kicked out,
Let's enjoy our life

So where is your first adventure going to take you with all this time off?

For me Cancelled plans and my schedule opening up has always felt a little like a little gift, Enjoy.

haha good riddance. I think you are destined for far greater things yo!!

Now is the perfect time to become a hobo and drink all day by the railroad tracks! Here's a quick recipe, strain sterno though a dirty sock into a paper cup, can, empty bottle, then drink and not go blind.

Better yet, take classes and get right back in there and show them what your made of.

Don't give up your daydream!

Hahaha, I wish I was still young enough and with fewer responsibilities to be doing that! Dream life for sure.

No need for classes! I let this job go to deal with life stuff as well as pursue the new company that myself and @robrigo just founded, @AGORIC.SYSTEMS! Gonna be pretty bad ass, the future is looking awesome! Can't wait to get into the thick of it.

Thanks for the encouragement! I definitely share the life sentiment that I'm sensing from you.