THE WIFE ( @kotturinn ) HAS RETURNED. What She Brought Back To Me From Crimea In Order To Avoid A Divorce.

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Some of you knew, some of you didn't. But the old lady, @kotturinn, has been out of the country visiting her family and friends throughout Crimea, Russia (previously of Ukraine, but no longer!). If you follow her, you'd have seen a bit of her travels. If you don't follow her, you might enjoy changing that.

Anyways, being the terrible and cruel husband that I am, I forced her to bring me many items back from her travels otherwise I would divorce her. So out of fear, she obliged.




Inkerman's most baller red wine, Cabernet Kachinskoe. My select drink when visiting Crimea. If you ever visit Crimea, grab some of this and you will get in tune with some of my tastes (which are, by the way, A+).



This is Balsam "Krasnaya Polyana," from Sochi, Russia which comes in a super heavy clay jar. It's a really strong herbal liqueur, reminiscent of a Jagermeister that isn't fashioned "for pussies," or for people who cannot channel the spirit of liquor itself. It's also composed of around 32 medicinal herbs. Being currently sick as hell at the moment, I'm using it as an excuse to drink it profusely. I am currently drunk.

So not technically from baby girl herself, it shall suffice. Her uncle Sergey and his wife, Valentina, dropped this in her luggage for me. I love those folks, they're some serious family people that makes me wish that I had people like that in my immediate family. They're always on point when it comes to sending cool liquor, which is practically a ritual there when visiting/departing. GOTTA GET AND GIVE SOME GOOD LIQUOR OR ELSE YOU'RE EXCOMMUNICATED FROM THE FAMILY.



Ann ( @kotturinn ) claims that this coffee candy that I like was gifted to me from the president of Ukraine himself. Side Note: He owns Roshen. These are strange toffee encased coffee flavored candy things. They're good. I like 'em. I eat 'em. You should too if you ever get the chance.



Alright, I don't smoke and I think it's a really fucking bad habit that no one should take up unless they're keen on dying earlier that they most likely would have, smelling like shit, being gross, etc. But sometimes, when you're in/involved super deep with Russian folks, you're gonna get gifted liquor and smokes. It's just the way of the road, the way she goes and will probably always go. They like their vices, but who is the master of those vices set the men apart from the boys. E.g. who can responsibly indulge VS who gets eaten alive. It's like an evolutionary toy to them. If you ever want to find some truly intelligent human beasts that have risen above, look no further than Russian culture.

Side note: These were also from Sergey and Valentina.



Some Russian pine tree clippings with a pine cone encased in honey? Yep, that's what you're looking at. I think that they added some green food coloring to make people more impulsively be like "Woah, look at this shit, it is SO pined out! We're gonna buy it!" Tastes like honey! Guess it's honey. Cool!



Straight up rose petal jam. Jam that is made out of rose petals. Tastes like roses. Smells like roses. Strangely "good." Dunno what I'd eat it on, but it's cool. I might just wind up being weird and taking little scoops out of it from time to time and eating it by itself. Any of you guys know wtf to put rose jam on?!



Now this is a serious jewel. Some pomegranate syrup from Azerbaijan. Imagine straining a ton of pomegranates and boiling it down into a delicious syrup. That is this and it rules. I keep dipping my finger into it (secretively) and eating it like a complete caveman. I dunno what to put this on, but it's good. I'll probably just continue being a weirdo and eating it solo in small doses, in hiding of course because I don't want to be called out for being a freak.





This one was sent back by Ann's friend from Crimea, who now lives in New Zealand, who just so happened to be visiting Crimea at the same time as Ann. Haven't tried this yet, but it sounds kinda interesting. White chocolate with apple and vanilla? Sure, why not!

So that's about it. THE END. Wife is back to the homestead. I'm no longer AS stir-crazy. No divorce took place. Life resumes!

If you haven't already, do the entire Steem(it) platform a huge deserved favor and vote (my elite collective) as your witness! If you need help doing this, please inquire in the comments below, I read them all and will reply accordingly. I live to serve/help!

Overrrr and out!

--- @MATT-A /


Nice box of goodies :)

I would personally just try the jam out on a piece of toast first to gauge where to put it. Rose is tricky one lol

Good Wifey right there !

I'm happy I completed the task and escaped divorce, shew!!!!

Russian smokes and wine would win me over as well :)! I'm glad to find this post, followed you and anticipate seeing your future travels!

You came close . . .


Next time, I could send you all of those staff from CA, just for keeping your family together ;)

You guys have inkerman wines over there?

We don't have Inkerman, but we still have Massandra, semki, rose petal jam, roshen candies and Riga's balsam

Yeah have those things over here as well!

Hemm sister. Hihihi


MATT-A you are the lucky husband that you have caring wife like kotturinn. All the gifts are unique and beautiful... Specially the New Zealand white Chocolate and WEIRD liquor from Sergery and Valentina (Kotturinn uncle and aunt) are the fantastic gifts...I want to know Ann??
Oh! warm Welcome to kotturinn on her Detroit arrival ... Now we will read more from kotturinn...Because she will be easy at her home to write for us daily...


Cool gifts. Especially wine. Crimean wines are very good.

Crimean wine is the BEST! Well, I haven't tried Belarussian wines. How are they?

I like the look of that jar of honey. Does the pine flavor carry over into the honey.

I'm not sure yet. I'm only tasted like a drop of it. I was curious about that myself. I think the green is due to someone cheating and mixing honey with some food coloring, sadly. Here soon I'll take a scoop out and try it though. I'm crossing my fingers for some pine flavored honey!

phew!!! I was startled by the heading :]

what a very intriguing mish mash of ... well basically anything and everything :]!

never heard of any of these before ( apart from the cigs) - but very interested in the rose petal Jam!!!.... that's a 10/10 wife right there!

Funny, my wife and I just hit up the local Ukrainian store in Nashville yesterday for some of her (and mine....shhh) favorite candy. Not quite the same as visiting there though. I also can't say I'm fully behind pickled tomatoes though... Enjoy, man!

What are you talking about?! Pickled tomatoes are delicious :)

@alovelymess will definitely agree with you, haha!

They have a ton of interesting candy, that's for sure. My favorite is this stuff called gazorovka, I think that's how you spell it anyways. It's a hard candy with fizzy stuff in the middle. It's good!

Pickled tomatoes?! I think I've seen those haha. They definitely have some interesting canned stuff . . . which I'm not into for the most part.

I looked that up, and I have not had those yet. I'll have to look for those next time. Leshchina (possibly wrong spelling) is among my favorites at the moment, it's chocolate covered hazelnut goodness. Halva is also delicious!

I tried one for the first time last night and i'm still having PTSD from the texture. I haven't had a lot of the canned goods, but i'm not too fond of what I've had. Salo is pretty good however.

A good haul all around! I am digging that honey though.

I like the Rose Jam a lot! My Mother makes it :)
You can use it same way as you would use traditional jam but I find it that it tastes great with croissants and donuts.

So weird to think about eating rose jam haha. I think I might try slathering some onto a croissant though, sounds . . . interestinggg. Thanks for the suggestion!

I know!!
My son can not stand the taste of it...
I like it and my husband as well but he won't touch it!

Thanks for giving us a glance into what loot from a trip to Russia would look like! Glad that you aren't getting divorced hehe, much better to enjoy wine with a partner though!

You're welcome!

Wine definitely is a lot better when you're drinking it with someone, that's for certain.

I love your writing!Easy and fun to read hahaha I have to threaten my husband like that as well whenever he goes to his country😁😂😂😂Roshen candies are considered the best in CIS countries,very tasty 😋 Id kill for Azerbaijani pomegranate syrup,haven't tried it but it must be delicious!!!Russian sunflower seeds☺️is something every Russian speaking person buys after work and enjoys while watching tv😁😁😁Cool post!

I'm really into the Roshen hazelnut chocolate bars, I wish that they sold them here in the states.

The pomegranate syrup IS delicious. I kind of want to just drink it, but that probably wouldn't be a good idea haha.

SEMKI! Addictive, I think they're drugs.

My first comment WOAH

There's you a nice welcome to Steemit starter package! Bring all yer friends!

Hahahha Semki are very addictive,once you open the bag you just have to finish it!😂

thats such a cute wife (to be kept in your heart and life forever) :)

She selected the best for you. Just for the coffee candy from the President of Ukraine you must send her back to bring you more :)

She has selected the best and favourite items for her husband. She loves you man. May god bless you both.

I hope she does!

Sweet haul! She seems to be a keeper. The pomegranate syrup is a real score.

She is! It's why I went through so much trouble getting her here. The pomegranate syrup does rule to death, I wish I could find it here. If you did, you'd probably have to pay a ton of money for it or it would be some kind of fake ass sugared out flavoring-ridden gelatin stuff.

Hello Mr. @matt-a, how are you ?
I always follow your work here.
and I'll keep waiting for the latest.

Are you in Canada or USA?

We live in the states.

Oh too bad for me lol. I would've loved to buy some Russian smokes from you. I smoke like a chimney and I love it. I can't get them across the border without paying a ridiculous amount of duty

I think you can legally bring a cartoon, I may be wrong though.

I think you're right.

My wife always brings a carton of smokes with her when visiting her sister in Toronto, customs doesn't care about it.

Well, we're in Detroit, so we can see you guys (literally) just across the river! When I used to smoke and she still lived in Crimea, she's mail me cigarettes wrapped in tshirts haha, worst case scenario we pay a little bit of import tax, but that really isn't worth their time or ours. If you're just importing a few packs for yourself, you're usually just fine. I think they mainly target/tax people who are trying to resell.


Sent you a message buddy

After all of that I hope You are still married eheheh

We are hahaha

uffff Amazing! That is great news ehehhehe :P

Nothing better to get some products embellished with Ukranian writing... or Russian... I have no idea but it seems like you got some tasty treats.

I've never been to Eastern Europe before but maybe one day sometime in the future I'll be able to visit some Slavic countries as it is somewhere which seems like a pretty cool place to visit.

If I ever do have the opportunity I'll be sure to pick myself up some Cabernet Kachinskoe. Great Photographs @matt-a and I hope @kotturinn had a great time in Crimea

I'm happy for @kotturinn

If you haven't already, do the entire Steem(it) platform a huge deserved favor and vote (my elite collective) as your witness! If you need help doing this, please inquire in the comments below, I read them all and will reply accordingly. I live to serve/help!

Thanks you @matt-a. I love it.

Great post, that wife surely is a keeper :) Great photos, thanks for sharing, have a nice day n' #keepsteemin !

Wow what an amazing haul. She is sooo good to you ;)

i've just upvoted your article @matt-a

Cool, thanks man.

you're welcome friend, glad to know you

do you live in USA @matt-a ??

Yep, sure dooo.

Firstly this part: "Woah, look at this shit, it is SO pined out! made me crack up really bad hahahs very funny ! Secondly, that must be the most impressive selection of stuff I ever saw anyone bring back to their loved ones- so you are truly blessed ! Awesome wine with presidential coffee candy and rose jam ! It seems like you are going to be living like a king for a while so i guess that means that your wife deserves to live like a queen, what do you think ? Heheh btw rose jam you can use on toast, on ice cream and also in the yoghurt! I think it could also be nice to make tea with but this one i am not to sure ! Anyways I hope you enjoy your weekend and all the awesome stuff you got !

you are lucky. Divorces on Steem are expensive :p

just I hate to hear the word divorce, it's scary for me

Haha, don't worry! It was just sarcasm/a joke.

hahaha, nice joke mate @matt-a

Nice article i couldn't leave without giving you a upvote

Well thanks!

Nice post @matt-a ...blessings

So many goodies you've got there. Way to go choosing @kotturinn, you must have known she'd really deliver. For the rose jam, maybe you (she) can make a yogurt parfait kind of thing with layers of vanilla yogurt, jam, and granola and fresh berries. OR, heat it up until it's syrupy and (ask her nicely to) pour it over vanilla ice cream. That is what I would do if I had some rose petal jam and didn't know what on earth to do with it. Maybe you (she) can post on it one day instead of eating it like a caveman. No shame.

I actually didn't ask her for anything at all is the funny part. She . . . brought all of this back to me just because. She's the best!

Hmmm, interesting suggestions! I'll have to keep those in mind. I wanna try it out on some things, I definitely haven't seen the stuff anywhere here before or even heard of it.

The pomegranate part was pretty funny. Cool post. Take care Matt.

Thanks for sharing
By the way also, I like Cabernet Kachinskoe.
Upvoted for the great content
Thanks also for your great support
Have a great weekend

Wow!!! Looking delicious,,,,,,,,,

Hello there!

What a strange but interesting collection of gifts! I'm liking the sound of the pine cone honey personally.

Ok, onto business 😁 My vote is in for as witness - you've been rather quiet and I've not spotted you guys before. Following now.

2ndly, thanks for the votes from time to time. Do you manually curate? I've noticed the odd vote appear after I perform a certain action in my wallet?? 😎

Have a good weekend!

-Excellent post thanks for sharing

sometime its just good enough to listen ;p

OMG @matt-a your wife is awesome! I am going to follow her now. Do you think she might share a recipe or two, using the goodies (especially the syrup) she picked up for you?

@matt-a, great bother. Hemmm

Next time, you could ask @kotturinn and I could send your favorite gostintsy from California.
We have all of them in our local Russian stores

I glad to hear kotturinn is fine and finally has returned back

Welcome to @kotturinn. Amazing Gifts.

you are so lucky, have a very good wife, but my advice you do not be too forced him to always bring gifts every time he travels, sorry that's just my advice.

Some of you knew, some of you didn't. But the old lady, @kotturinn, has been out of the country visiting her family and friends throughout Crimea, Russia (previously of Ukraine, but no longer!). If you follow her, you'd have seen a bit of her travels. If you don't follow her, you might enjoy changing that.

Anyways, being the terrible and cruel husband that I am, I forced her to bring me many items back from her travels otherwise I would divorce her. So out of fear, she obliged.