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RE: MAJOR MILESTONE! My 1337th Post! And A Huge Update Concerning My Life And Future Plans.

in #life8 years ago

You're welcome! You can make very good money. You can even find a lot of companies that will hire you in as a "Junior Developer," that will kind of hold your hand along the way and allow you to learn as you're being paid a liveable wage.

DEFINITELY get your son into programming NOW! There's an awesome programming language specifically to teach to children to introduce them to the concepts of programming. If you can get him learning this now, you're going to have one powerful human being on your hands that has an insanely bright future ahead of them.

The language is called "Scratch," and you can learn more about it here:

Also, talking to Stand and Dan about this would probably be an absolutely brilliant idea. You can catch Dan everyday in the EOS chat on Telegram and Slack. If you need directions to those, let me know and I'll get you in the right place.

Thank you so much, and the best of luck to you as well!!!