Imagine an enemy that has the ability to squash you like a bug, but you can't give up because your people are all that matter! What would you do to defend your family?

in #life7 years ago (edited)


The west is under attack from an enemy so sinister, devilish, and utterly evil that Satan himself blushes, and turns his feet inward when in the presence of this menace! Since the end of WWII, Western Civilization has been under constant attack from every angle. The Globalists have squeezeed their hands around our collective throats for a 100 years, until finally, our civilization is at it's death knell. Globalists conspire to take our guns. Globalists want teens, to vote. Globalists fund BLM, and AntiFa. Globalists lambast Donald Trump as a Russian puppet. Globalists label anyone defying their communist agenda as, "Russian bots', and most are too cowardly to name who the "Globalists" are!

People who have no marketable skills teach our children in failing schools. Idiots who were too cowardly to become police, but were bullied all the same, are now teaching your children that gender is not real, yet they claim to love science. Virtue signaling has become the drug of choice for shit lib cat ladies, and soy boy faggots. Whites who fit the bill are addicted to hating themselves through these means, and it is disgusting. Both the left and right do it!

No other race except Whites grows up in a system that forces them to hate themselves. Whites are expected to hate ourselves, or else be called racist, and possibly even lose our livelihoods, or even our lives. The same system that Whites created to look after so called minorities', "civil rights" will afford us nothing of the sort when Whites become a minority in our own nations once non-Whites are the majority.

It just so happens that every White nation has the same exact problem of White genocide happening, simultaneously. Whites will not be afforded benefits such as Affirmative Action when we are a minority; rather, as is happening in South Africa right now, the exact opposite will occur, and the private property of Whites will be taken from us under communist regimes.

For decades, main stream media, Hollywood, and Educational institutions have brought forth the idea that Whites are the criminals of history! All children are taught to hate Whitey. From cradle to grave society is told that Whites must pay. For the Whites who think getting Facebook likes, and Re-tweets is so important that you, literally, sacrificed your own genetic linage to virtue signal for people who hate your guts, you should know that you traded your progeny's prosperity for the fleeting high of virtue signaling online. Your children, and grandchildren may be slaughtered in the streets because you allowed this demographic shift to happen, and thought oh so highly of yourself for allowing an environment to foster that made it all possible.

Never in the history of the earth has there been such a useless luke-warm people as you.

Talk about treason



We need to get these people to wake up before it is too late.

Sometimes, I think it may already be too late. Maybe, in a generation or two we will have the technology to leave this planet, and create our ethnostate on Mars, or some other planet.

Yeah dude, this is probably more likely than not, but you know damn well brown people are going to insist that they have the right to live there! They would follow us across the universe. You can't take away brown peoples right to live among White people.