That EVIL dispicable monstrously devious Vlad Putin, he's responsible for all our problems... and then some.

in #life8 years ago

I'm reposting this, hope its ok to do so. Originally posted 6 months ago
I feel its even more topical today.

Poor Europe.
Flooded by refugees. Its because... Putin.
He started this whole Arab Spring thing that went sour.
As soon as he saw the opportunity, he began funding the refugees by buying them boats and stuff, to cross the sea. Joke was on them though, they trusted those Russian made boats, many of which sank on the way north. What an evil man.

And now he's messing with our elections.
He pretty much wiped out Bernie Sanders chance of winning. Because he's good friends with Trump!
And he's hacked the DNC, DCCC, and now George Soros! Where will Putin stop!!??

He also destroyed Venezuela, just for fun.
Nobody can buy food there, everything has shut down.
Bad, bad man.

He's behind the legalization of cannabis in the US. Most people don't know this....
By stealing the plan the British used when dominating China, the one where they supplied the Chinese with opium so they'd not resist, Putin is trying to get all of the U.S. and Canada as stoned as the Mexicans, so he can march right in and take over. Damn he's clever!!!

And have you noticed how homosexuality has burgeoned since the collapse of the Evil Soviet Empire?
They sent their evil over here, to turn us gay. And this was only part two of their dastardly plan... the first part was when they invented AIDS in the 80s. First invent the gay disease, then turn us gay so it'll kill us.
Brilliant but evil.
Hitler would approve.

The NY Stock Exchange is hitting all time highs over and over again.... but this is only because Putin is manipulating our currency. Too obvious, yet few can see.

China now says they'll join Russia in "helping" Syria.
They just want to take their share, and help CAUSE WW3!
I can't understand why they trust Putin.
We're the country that borrows their money, we're the ones that owe then trillions of dollars ... not Putin!!

He caused that awful "Brexit" thing. And is now trying to break up Spain.
Greece is a mess because of Putin. And Italy has horrible banking collapses happening right now, because Putin has decided to remove all of his money at one time... leaving Italy hanging by a thread.

Putin is killing too many whales, and is preventing the rest of us from kicking our addiction to petroleum.
Only because he profits from global warming.

Rant complete.