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RE: My Struggle With Body Dysmorphia As A Male

in #life8 years ago (edited)

hang in there and be stronger than any neurosis. This has been my self-reminder my whole life. I am, have been, and always will be mildly to considerably neurotic about one thing or another.
When I was in my 20s and less so in my 30s, I was very self-image fixated.
Age is the best remedy.
At 51 currently, I've seen my "mind-traps" (this is how I've come to know them) transform from one silly bit to something else equally inconsequential year after year... and as I look back at all those Earth shattering and insurmountable issues - now it all seems I was wasting my time with silly concerns.
Appearance especially, it means far less to others than you think.
I always knew the media was there to make money and yes I knew that was the origins of my obsessions over;

  • not looking good enough myself to amount to a person of any 'significance'
  • and not having a trophy wife, nobody was envious of me for having a 'babe'
  • not driving the nicest newest car models every few years, like others I knew
    This all made me very unhappy when I was in my 20s... so sad.

Edward Bernays would've been proud.
Our society is programmed to be image fixated.
Its not your fault, but knowing where it comes from can help you face it down.