There are probably more copycats than there are originalsin this world.
Who Are Copycats?
It's good that we understand the concept of copycats and the poor ones who fall into this category.
Generally, copycats could mean people who are bereft of creative ideas. That is why I referred to them as poor ones. What they know how to do best is copy the ideas of others. Being original challenges them, so they would rather copy from trailblazers. The infographic below is a good description of copycats
Why There Is Need To Be Careful of Copycats
One might wonder what is the big deal with copycats and why the warning to be careful with them. I'll tell you that if these people are influential, have more influence than you do, just because they know influential people, they'll fly with your idea(s) that they've copied. So be very careful.
Some of my ideas on steem(it) and elsewhere have been stolen and the copycats are not doing badly. These Steemians might or might not be influential on the steem block chain, but they certainly do have the support of influential people (either whales, orcas, dolphins or witnesses) or those connected to them.
It is not bad to be inspired by the innovation of others. In the academia, a new research work could emanate from the section of a research article LIMITATION TO THE STUDY . However, it is bad to copy from innovators without even acknowledging them, just because you have influence or enjoy the support of influential people.
Lessons Learnt
- Try to lobby influential people as soon as you launch your idea.
- Never share your ideas with those who could steal, fly with them and there'll be little or nothing you can do about it.
These set of people can be found virtually in all the strata of human endeavors. Currently in Nigeria, there is a war of word between an upcoming artist and Olamide who is already established in the industry, the upcoming artist has alleged that his music lyrics has been stolen by Olamide who has made great fortune from the music.
I have also seen it here on steemit, where you do a post and someone coinage same post with the same information you have provided and he gets a huge upvote because he/she has a strong footings here.
Let's learn to appreciate or acknowledge the author of the work you have lifted to pirate. Thanks for speaking out @maryfavour
justice based appI'm glad that you understood my entire point of view, @sunny4glow. Can you imagine Olamide allegedly stealing another artists work? Why is the allegation not being investigated? This is the kind of injustice we see and experience in this world. The influencial oppressing the poor. I can't wait to see a buult on the steem blockchain. Thank you for visiting & contributing, @sunny4glow.
In the world of technology, people copy everyday. Sometimes the copy are even better than the original.
Steve Jobs, Apple founder, in this video in 1996 said: "Picasso had a saying -- 'good artists copy; great artists steal' -- and we have always been shameless about stealing great ideas."
I guess you just have to be smart in how you "steal" the ideas. By steal, I guess he meant study and try to bring out a more sophisticated product that solves a need.
Though we have people that just lift or copy and paste other people's ideas without changing a thing. I think they are the real copy cats.
Okay since Steve Jobs says "great artists steals, then stealing is justified. Well...that is his opinion. Thanks for your contribution.Glad you are here, @greenrun. It's true that sometimes the copy is better than the original, but many do not add those changes based on the limitation(s) of the original innovator I gave example about. The originator benefits nothing from what is supposed to be his
I think the steal he means is just to be inspired by ideas of others. It's hard to see a technology that is not inspired by other technology. Even some apps are a "copy" of ideas of other apps. Eg, Messageme, copied some Asian apps.
About what Steve Jobs said, I think he meant it Literally. History has it that Apple was not the first company to develop an optical mouse. The first company to develop such a device was Xerox Computers, however the board rejected the idea. When Steve Jobs, visited Apple, he requested that xerox grant him and his team access to see what they are building, however, the xerox board denied him of such. Through his persuasive and lobbying skills he was able to loby a lower Manager who gave him access to see their innovation room. Few months later, Apple brought the optical mouse to limelight and took all the glory without even crediting Xerox . Much respect to Steve Jobs but he is good at identifying and stealing brilliant ideas even before the originator of the idea brings it to lime light. Thank you.
I think Xerox sued him for that if I remember corectly.
Well said @maryfavour, i had similar experience on a project i have been struggling to make it big. But the truth is your idea will only be your idea.
Thanks for sharing
I agree that your idea will remain your idea. My worry is that the innovator gets very little to nothing at the end of the day from his ideas. Thanks for your contribution, @jglowsinger.
This is so sad. The good thing is creative people are never short of ideas. One thing is you have learnt to make your idea closer to your heart than hand nor mouth.
Influence rules all. Any idea no matter how small needs influence. But one thing is photocopy can never be original no matter how long.
Best wishes affirmed creative mind.
This is so true, @,turpsy. You can only imagine how much ideas I still have spinning in my head every now and then but like you have advised I should be very careful to make sure that my ideas are closer to my heart than my hand & mouth.
I couldn't agree more. There are fears, though, of these influencial & what they can do with your 'original ideas'.
Thank you for your thoughtfullness & support.
so cute