Money talks. Every Dollar I Earn Automatically Says "Goodbye"!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I've always been a hard worker and good with my money. I like to be prepared and having some sort of savings for the future. The past three years it seems like I've been cursed. Every time I manage to squirrel away some savings something big happens that is going to cost me a lot of money.

"So long, farewell auf wiedersehen, adieu"

Me Waving As Big Businesses Haul Off My Savings

I worked really hard to save a couple thousand dollars a few years ago. Then my car broke down and ended up costing a good $1500 to fix. It was so painful forking over those hard earned dollars to the mechanic who fixed my car. He wasn't even that good of a mechanic. He messed up the wiring on an anti-theft device which locked my car down and I had to pay another mechanic a towing fee plus $60 to fix that. After that I started saving again....

My husband's dad passed away and left my husband some money. We did the smart thing and bought a cheap, foreclosed house so we didn't have to pay $800 rent anymore. Rent where we live is horrible because of it being a college town. Without a mortgage we were living great. We were saving a lot of money. Then, we were hit with a series of expenses.

Why Spend Your Own Money When You Can Steal Someone Else's Stuff For Free?

That's how someone felt when someone broke into my home while I was asleep and 7 months pregnant. At least they didn't hurt or kill me.

Thieves broke into our home twice. They stole my lockbox with $200 and some collectors coins. They also stole my expensive macbook and big screen TV. I am in school so I had to replace the laptop. My husband's car died...literally. The motor needs to be replaced so we now have a Monte Carlo lawn ornament. He ended up dipping into savings to get a cheap car off craigslist. We found black mold behind some paneling so we had to replace an entire wall to get rid of it. I broke my glasses and since I'm blind without them there went some more savings. We have well water and our pump is about 60 years old. It needs to be replaced and we need to install a new filtration system. The well tested positive for pesticides and lead so we need to fork out money to make our well work and safe to drink out of....Goodbye savings!

That being said my husband and I aren't broke yet. We still have an income and money coming in so we can live comfortably. Our savings keep taking hits though. It's so frustrating to spend years having savings disappear so quickly when you work so hard to earn them. I'm happy I found steemit to help me squirrel away money again. Every dollar I earn from here I'm putting into a savings account for rainy days. I just hope the rain doesn't come to often or too soon.

follow me marx rab.jpg


I've heard that people should always have an emergency fund.
Sometimes you can learn to do things yourself. Whenever something breaks, my husband finds out how to fix it himself. You can find out how to fix things from the library or internet.
Hope things go better for you.
Thanks for sharing.

Well my savings is my emergency fund. It seems like emergencies are common these days. I taught myself how to fix pipes, repair our vacuum, and more. The big things like our well I have to call in the professionals.

I hear you. Money doesn't last. The more you have the more things break. I feel for you because they also broke in twice by us. My husband's truck broke as well....he is using my car now and it's driving me nuts. Oh and the's been horrible. Don't know what I wouldv'e done without Steemit.

Aww...I remember your dishwasher broke. I hope you get it fixed soon. My husband and I had a bad period of car problems so I feel for you. Steemit is a nice place to have for some extra cash.

Your story made me very emotional @marxrab . I know life seems unfair and hard at times, but if you duck it out and hold out, the streak of bad luck will eventually end. I know this is just a comment that will eventually be lost in the stream of time, but I genuinely hope you and your husband will recover from this and bounce back. Seeing as how steemit is going, every littly penny you collect will be doubled or tripled in a couple months time.
I've upvoted you and follow you. Unfortunately im a begineer here so I can only make a difference of a couple pennies :-(

Thank you for the kind words and inspiration. I'm sure we will bounce back. We're tough and thrifty so we always manage to scrape though the rough times. I'll be sure to stop by your work and follow back and comment.

Wow, do I ever hear you! Such frustration! Such distress! I'm sorry for your struggles.

Well, I'm preaching to the choir here, but "hang in there," and may God bless and help you as you continue to try and save for the future and for your growing family.


You're very kind. Life has been good with the birth of our daughter and us finding a house we could afford outright. It's a shame that getting ahead is hard when everything wants to break at the same time.

For this article, you truly had me at the title! <Deep Sigh!>

I know it isn't always possible, but to the extent that you're able, try to learn how to fix things yourself... In some cases, it may be easier than you think. I have found that most repairs are nothing more than disassemble - clean - reassemble tasks. ;) NOTE: <- follow the link... :)

Well there went another penny into your come back fund! That's all my votes are worth lol. I'm a small-timer!

lol. Thank you for the penny! Maybe it'll be a lucky penny that sparks off some good luck. I'm pretty sure I gave you a penny too at some point today. Spend it well. lol

Yay! We will get rich together LOL!

This sounds just my life. One step forward, two steps back. Best of luck to you!