Dream vs Reality or Vice Versa

in #life6 years ago

These risks I've taken, it's a very big challenge. Others will question your vision. Others may criticize. Others will do whatever it takes to pull you down. But in the end, none of those things matter. When the ball is in your hands and your eyes are on the prize, things will get difficult before they go easy. If you can take the shot, take it. Just like a boxing match, your opponent will not hand you that championship belt because you're the best. You'd have to knock him out and beat him to claim your golden belt. People who made their way to success took that same risk. You may not have the same situation, but the feeling is the same.

Right now, I'm in that same make or break situation. I quit the call center job months ago because I know in my heart that my destiny is not to be sitting in a cubicle taking calls and absorbing shit from other people. I've given it a chance plenty of times, but its not for me. I don't wanna be Mr. Johnny-come-lately and realize everything was lived in regret. I'm not going to sugar-coat my situation. It has been difficult. I've been working my ass off to get to this point and I've had a lot of restless days knowing that I'm alone in this venture. Add some side-comments from people from time to time, makes you sick to hear it. There are some days where I'm away from my wife and kids just because I need to do this to earn money. Yes it is difficult, but I've never been happier.

Some people may help you, some won't. Some may add stress and doubt in your head and some can give you encouragement. In that boxing match, they are your coach, entourage and audience. These people may be present, but always remember who's in the ring fighting. It's YOU, not them.

"Life hit me hard. No job, running out of options in what to do." It's that moment when your brain starts functioning and spills out ideas. What you choose is what you're going to be. Either you continue to lie down or get the hell up and bust your ass til you shit coins. Either you go back to that same shithole job or start breaking barriers and do something that you wanted to do your whole life. Opportunity strikes once. As soon as you see it, take it and hold on to it. Don't live your life on shoulda-woulda-coulda's, otherwise, you're just another crab in the bucket trying to get out.

There are times when we feel like every circumstance is against us. Live in that moment. That is the reason why we're alive. To overcome all the odds stacked against us. The only time you give up is when you're dead. If you still have life kicking you in the balls, kick it back. Take what's yours and show them what you got. When you fail, think of it as practice. Your main event will come and you will become the better man when you try harder the next time. I've failed countless of times. But I'm the toughest nut to crack. Here I am, still standing. Battered, bruised but still fighting. Even when I'm fighting a losing battle, I always show my opponents that they too can bleed. This doesn't only apply in fighting, but also on how you live your life. A lot can happen in a single lifespan. You grow up, learn, fall in love, fail, succeed, anything can happen. Even a single fly that only lives 24 hours, can do a lot of things. We're lucky we ain't flies. We got a whole life to live. Let's not waste it.

Not everyone may like you. Some may even go against you. But that's not your problem is it? As long as what you're doing shows integrity and respect, stand your ground. Stay in your principles but always remain open to changes. We all have dreams that we want to achieve. Maybe your beliefs won't come in line to what others believe, it all comes down to respect. As long as you stay true to what you believe, you can achieve your dreams without stepping on other people in the process.

Others may take a long time to achieve their goals. Some even lose track and stay lost in limbo. But as the song "Eye of the Tiger" goes: 'Don't lose grip on the dreams of the past. You must fight just to keep them alive.' Hold on to it. And once you have it, never let it go. Continue to improve and become better than you were before. It's your dream. YOURS. Nobody can take that away from you. It's just up to you to make that dream a reality.