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RE: Where Have My Thoughts Gone

in #life3 years ago

Hello I am Fallowing you now to help support the Canada front end on Hive, a room which you have joined. I hope to interact more and soon in the room.
Your work stirs something inside of me. They are quite something and have such feel to them.


This post wasn't on display there. Not sure if I'll ever actually enter my work into confined spaces. I like the potential audience to come unprepared and not know what to expect. That helps with the stirring... ;)

ahhh yes that could be possibly best as they do not know what they do not see, until they see it and know it and you show it. Perfect.

Yeah, or I blow it. I've always enjoyed placing art for instance in front of folks who didn't necessarily come for art. Folks take a genuine interest after something catches their eye. The end result is I get to see all these genuine and down to earth people come to my show. Been doing it that way since day one here.

Having the real genuine reaction must be nice. The truth is right there for you and them to see. What kind of shows do you put on? in Canada?

Didn't mean that literally. Meant the show, here. That's the show, up there, and down here. All of it.

Ahhh fair...i thought you got to see their faces first hand...i guess you could hack the camera on the computers to have a look when they open your post. Hahah
Anyways nice work, ill see it come through my feed form no on. Make sure to take and accept Z Dollards.