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RE: Are governments deliberately poisoning the cryptographic/cryptocurrency well?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

"Government as cancer" is also the operational metaphor I ascribe to.

The root cause of that cancer is the insane desire for trust ... believing that we can trust something that we cannot really understand or control seems to be the fundamental insanity that humans cannot bring themselves to break, ie the desire for some Big Daddy we can always trust is is really powerful human addiction.

Simply replacing faith in government with faith in cryptocurrency or an algorithmically-controlled system of trust is NOT really breaking that addiction ... it's only replacing one addiction with another addiction.

I would concede that putting more faith in cryptocurrency or migrating to the virtual realm (eg, multiple passports, exploring e-residency) is maybe a better "drug" to use OR the strategy of "placing one eggs in different fragile baskets" might aid in the process of putting cancer into remission ... but the press-pulse approach to going after the cancer also necessarily involves fasting to starve the cancer, not fasting in terms of food consumption but in terms of any material wealth ... material wealth, or the inevitable taxation of material wealth, is the "glucose" which feeds the cancer of governments.

It's probably best not to underestimate governments when it comes to their use of their monopoly on legal violence, prisons and tax collection or wealth confiscation strategies ... if you possess material wealth or the "glucose" that cancer needs, the cancer will find ways to take part or all of it -- because for the cancer, your wealth is essential for its survival and things like cancer are pretty good at surviving unless the cancer is starved until other parts of the immune response can kill it ... cryptocurrency alone won't beat cancer.

Of course, press-pulse is not going to be a perfect guarantee for beating cancer, but fasting is generally going to be the best way to greatly lessen the growth and dominance of cancer ... as cancer survivors and their friends and family members know, in order for the treatment to be effective in killing or putting serious cancers into remission, the patient has to be brought to the point of death.