Success in life

in #life7 years ago

This morning I woke up thinking I was going to write an article titled, "How does life deserve to be lived?" I was thinking of doing this because one of the respondents to the challenge launched last week in the article "Why does life deserve to be lived?" Suggested the above-mentioned topic.

But when I opened my laptop to write, I felt more attracted to the theme of "Success in Life".

First of all I chose this theme because here I can write a lot of the lessons I have learned during my life so far. And, secondly, lately I still see how people who are successful in life are hiding from the world, and those who do not speak to us as if they had it.


Yes, it is true that if you are a man of a certain quality and you have been taught to be modest and common sense, it is hard to believe that you are successful. It's hard to accept this sometimes even when others come to you to tell you this. And maybe it's hard and because you think, rightly, that you are not successful yet, knowing what you do not have yet.

Yes, it is true, success can be the end of the road. It may be when we have it all: special friends, a beautiful family, a professional situation that is a reflection of passions, a very good financial situation, free time for oneself, loved ones and passions ... and maybe many more.

It is equally true, however, that the road can also be a success. And that's because it really matters and how you go to what you want. It matters what values ​​guides you daily in life and which others see to you and inspires them. It matters what attitudes and behaviors provide as examples that others choose as models.

Yes, each of these aspects does not mean that you have already achieved the success that you propose, but yes, it means that your own way is seen as a success by others. And if they see it like that, maybe you should give yourself a chance to see it like that.


It is good to know that you have not yet reached where you want to go

But just as well and perhaps even more encouraging is knowing that you are the way you want to be, even if you have not got there. Know that you are proof that your fulfillment and your daily behavior do not depend exclusively on that success, but you, with diligence, are constantly working to get there. And the fact that you do this in an exemplary fashion should also be a success for you to enjoy yourself in order to leave you motivated by this success.

So, whether you have arrived where you wanted to go or not, how about giving a chance and successes along the way? First of all for you, because it will be better if you see the full side of the glass and not just the empty one. And, secondly, for those around you who will certainly appreciate hearing about your little successes on the road, even with the modesty and simplicity that you can prove.

Yes, do not be ashamed to have a set of values and to respect it. Do not be ashamed to be ethical, moral, commonplace, respectful and responsible to you and others, to do your job well, to live your dreams or to inspire others to live a life better. None of these things is a shame. On the contrary…


Hi @marius19, I like where you are going in this post. Success is often seen to be an end goal in itself and success is often defined as wealth. The truth is though, as you have pointed out, that the journey itself can be "success". Success need also not be defined as wealth, but can be a hundred other things. For example, I define success as being happy and not stressed on a daily basis. I'm not wealthy and I left the "career" that I was building...but I am happy and I live contentedly. I define that as success for myself.

So very true.

Even a small achievement can also be considered as success. Very nicely written article. Thank you.

So true and nicely written. :)
I cannot upvote as I don't have voting power now, but am following you. Do keep posting.

Very thoughtful and thought provoking post.
Enjoying the journey, and slowing down long enough to smell the roses along the way. I like this position much better than always striving, never arriving.
It reminds me of a visit to NY City. I was at the viewing platform on the top of the Empire State Building. As I looked out over the city, I thought to myself, "all these people are going somewhere, but seemingly never arrive."

Very cute

Thanks for ur support