WAaaaaaaiT. Hold up! Woah Nelly!
Will you have to take More classes than average in order to finish that quickly?
And I just have to say this: your English expression is becoming as beautiful as your spirit.
Your skill still slightly betrays English as your second language but your expression is catching up to who you are. So beautifully.
Expressing the essence of oneself in language is a skill unto itself and something amazing to accomplish in our mother tongues -- yet, here you are in English!
I wish I could follow your Indonesian recovery progress. Your English has always been 1000% better than my (non-existent) Bahasa Indonesian.
I wonder what would happen if you started singing routinely in Indonesian. Singing seems to be a different path into the brain.
No. I will have to take normal classes (well from 3 goes up to around 5) that too if my grade this semester allows me. Though I hope I will still have 3 days break straight. That would be amazing. Besides, I am more accustomed with studying flow better than the past 3 months. So, I know what I have to do to get things done.
Hmmm singing? that would be cool. I mean my principal advised me to keep talking to people, absorb their vocabulary, practice daily so my Indonesian will get better. I found out actually losing language ability is not something strange! I thought it was until I read more stories from other brain injury sufferers.