I won't mention the private cyber security side.
- That's the WHO
- The WHAT
Huawei and ZTE Cellphones.
We have been warned a long time ago. This isn't new, why are we acting like it?
Back in 2013 Congress passed a law preventing federal agencies from buying tech from these firms without approval.
Like I said, nothing new. The threat was already established.
I think, the problem is $$. Some people want cheap! Not just in America
"We operate in 170 countries where there is trust with governments and customers. We pose no greater cybersecurity risk than other vendors," Huawei said.
Just because they 'operate' in those countries, doesn't mean they don't spy there.
Stupid reason to go cheap instead of secure.
- Where
Last month a new bill to be a companion bill to the "Defending U.S. Government Communications Act" was sent.
According to FBI Director Chris Wray, Chinese tech companies have the capacity to steal or modify information gained from citizens, and could allow them to act as international spies.
We knew this also, how did they make most products they have?
Stolen... get into private sector databases and steal plans, now they have the same product?
Can they make original items??
OK, we're done.
Just make a copy, input malware, Done.
C'mon people raise awareness. This community should be against this crap. This is funny, but not really when you think about it.
And as always,
- Dad Joke