Maybe there is no truth, how could you possibly explain it?
Not even science has all of the answers that we are looking for. Even they are scratching their heads trying to figure out the real meaning of our existence. Sure, we have the Big Bang Theory, however, if enough evidence comes to support that there is actually something else, then the Big Bang Theory would be thrown out, and everything we believed would have been false. This is very possible because science is constantly trying to figure out everything that supports our existence.
There is an abundance of information our there that may supports our existence. Is there a never-ending cycle of information that supports our existence? If so, then what is the actual truth to what we are? Where did we even come from?
It was said by Aristotle: The more you know, the more you realize you know nothing
And I couldn't agree more.
Scientists are only human who can make mistakes just like any other person can. People will put their "faith" in science; believing they will find the answers, but there are many things that even science cannot describe.
That's when God comes in
Many people believe in God, and some do not. I personally believe in a higher being, but probably not the God that everyone speaks of. There have been cases of Near-death experiences (NDE), in which a person passes onto the other world, but returns to tell us what happen to them while they were there. Science has ridden this off as the patients being low on oxygen and having hallucinations. However, what they can't describe is the cases of the patients that were having NDE'S actually seeing what the doctors and nurses were doing to them while they were in that state. It's really hard to describe something like that.
SO, should we trust science to give us all the information even though they don't have all the answers themselves? Or should we put our faith in God? Well, we can't actually prove that God exists, nor will we ever get all of the answers that we need to know from science. So what is truth?
Maybe there is none
Maybe everything is just constructed by our mind alone, as I described in my last post.
May I present you with the thought with this post "Are we living in a simulation?"
Henry Kissinger said "It's not a matter of what is true that counts, but a matter of what is perceived to be true." That is pretty much all we need to know.
I like that! I believe that is definitely a good way of thinking.
There are entire books of cases of near death experiences. Currently science ignores this because they are doing everything to deny an existence of a creator. (multiple universe theory, big bang theory, evolution...)
"The Book of the Damned" is an entire book on facts that scientists ignore.
But, you can't really blame the scientists; they were indoctrinated into a schooling system where their identity was wrapped into being right. And the science books, were what is right.
In three generations, our science books will be completely replaced, and the scientists then, may pick up one of our books and wonder, how could anyone ever believed such obvious fiction?
About God and Truth.
God cannot be proven or disproven. This is easy to show with set theory.
However, this does not mean that one cannot personally experience God.
And get to know God. This is a journey each person has to take by themselves.
Truth has three levels.
Subjective truth is quite malleable. It was ok to be gay back in Roman times, then it was a horrible sin, and now it is mostly ok again.
Objective truths are truths that many can agree upon. Where scientific truths should be (if they weren't ignoring other objective truths)
Universal truths are a weird one. One that you kinda have to get on your own.
Such as, in order to live, you have to let go of your life.
Most of the universal truths come in this seemingly paradoxical way.