"Resistance is futile" explains the attacks, assassination attempts, assassinations, etc

in #life10 months ago (edited)

In the beginning of human existence, we lived in a natural system that is quite interconnected and full of good things of life, then our forefathers who were the first humans did something terrible, lost the system and became slaves to another system called the Matrix(or the World's system), humans have been slaves to the matrix ever since.
The matrix is also an interconnected system but ruled by a dark and ruthless entity who behaves more like parasite that grows gradually in its host until it takes full control of it, and the host becomes one with the parasite in behavior.
The agenda of the dark entity is to be in complete control of every human trapped in its system, but not everyone is willing to give in. There are humans, societies, nations that put up strong resistance just like flies trapped in spider web, but in the end, the flies get exhausted and the spider ties its threads around them.
Everyone trapped in the matrix is a slave to the system, and the dark entity requires complete obedience from the slaves, but there are people in the system who rebel, they get attacked, oppressed, isolated as long as the rebellion last, once defeated they are brought into complete subjection.
When you hear of assassinations, attempted assassination, invasion by foreign soldiers, isolation, sanctions, etc it's most likely the entity attacking those who refuse to obey it through its human hosts. In the end, they become subject to it except they are lucky to be free.

It's important to note that not every human is trapped in the system or controlled by the entity. There are people who are free or are under grace. The free ones remain in the good interconnected system, under a covenant with its RULER to do HIS Will always and be shielded in the system that nothing is able to attack or conquer them, whereas those in the bad system can only be free from bondage by the RULER of the good system.
You can only resist successfully as a freeman