Jealousy - Wasted emotions

in #life6 years ago


Hello everyone!

Today I am here to talk about one of the many emotions we have, as our whole lives are largely driven by our own thoughts and emotions. So, what we think and how we feel tell a lot about our lives and the decisions we make in our lives.

Basically, everything has two sides, be it good or bad, positive or negative. Even a bad phase has something good about it and it’s up to us how we look and think about it. Same goes for negative emotions.

For example: Take one negative emotion, like pain or hurt - it makes us realize that something is wrong and we need to work on it, fear might teach one to step forward and be more courageous. There is a saying, “Everything you want is on the other side of fear”.

So, we can say that even in negative emotions we can find something positive. But, jealousy is one of the wasted emotions as it will take us no where, in fact we lose ourself somewhere and our dignity due to this emotion.

Why Jealousy?


Generally, emotions are natural occurrences, we do have some control over it but not full control. Not everyone faces jealousy as an emotion. Unlike other emotions, I feel like jealousy is not a natural occurrence, it’s our choice and we do have control over it.

Jealousy is one of the byproducts of comparisons. As competition is increasing day by day, people compare themselves with others more and more, which leads to more desires and then an emotion of jealousy arouses, which might even lead to to anger, depression and anxiety sort of feelings.

Comparing yourself with others is simply pointless. Because what we see of others is really just the tip of the iceberg. We simply cannot understand the 90% the remaining iceberg that is underneath the surface i.e. their struggles, sacrifices, hard and much more.

It’s so petty that we feel jealous by comparing ourselves with others and want that lifestyle/things/people without having to go through all the struggle and effort. And sometimes, we even forget what we are good at and what our capability is, as we focus so much on others’ life.

Why To Sacrifice Happiness?


Will you want to sacrifice your happiness for anything in this world? No, right? Even if you earn millions of dollar and you are not happy then is there any meaning of your life? At the end of the day, each and every person wants a happy life.

So, why jealousy? When all it leads to is a sacrifice of our own happiness and of the peaceful life. It’s just waste of time and emotion which at last makes us feel bad about ourselves only. At last, it leads us no where.

But, the great thing is that we have a choice to not feel this emotion. It’s not even like other emotions where it can be hard to control like anger. Jealousy is something over which we can immediately gain control by simply stopping to compare ourselves with others. It’s that simple!

So, don't sacrifice your happiness for jealousy. Its simply not worth it. Better use that energy to achieve what you want in a positive way. Take it as a motivation instead.

- A Happy Soul.



emotions are not natural occurrences ...we are trained or programmed to do so and they happen subconsciously once you are trained ... name it jealousy or hatred or any emotion ..

Eg; if you are born in a forest without any language ... what kind of emotional you will have ? you need to think deep to understand it ...

there is nothing called human nature its just human behaviour which we learn from surroundings ... and we are programmed at every level ever since childhood ... i don't say there are no emotions ... but our emotions are directed ... and we execute them according to our learning ...

good and bad , right and wrong are only perceptions .. again comes with previous programming ... no one actually knows whats good and what's bad ... everyone will have their own perception and reasoning ... you cannot blame anyone in a programmed society ...

infact money and religion are frozen thoughts of mankind ... based on that they have built banks and temples ...

Your understanding of the depths of human behaviour really amazes me. My thoughts really resonate with what you have said. A lot of our emotions are pre-programmed as we are thought how to think and feel as per the situations. There is also an old debate about nature vs nurture that is applicable to this. That is the reason we can have control over our emotions and make conscious decisions and not to act irrationally.

Ahh, i have been talking this to many and you are very few of those who has come in agreement ... most of them didnt even tried to understand it ... and the biggest problem is there are 95 % of them ...

Yeah Nature vs Nurture ...

Like animals we were thought to survive ... but its supposed to be Thrive ...

I tired thinking rationally but we have a system which is screwed to a limit that it cannot be repaired ... A radical solution which is a total redesign of our civilization is the only solution .

try checking @thevenusproject

all my life i tried thinking and providing solutions for the problems i have faced and by the people around me ...

Thevenusproject striked me as the best solution ever given to mankind ...

Yeah, it is a topic so deep that many people might not understand the full extent of it. Anyways, we can only hope to create awareness for the same.

As far as change, I believe that we human can bring about a massive change if we truly want it and if we truly work together for it.


Very true ... There are straight solutions ... but humans are always afraid of change and can't accept it till they are forced or manipulated most of the times ... Advertising is one thing which worked big time ... by repetition humans believe anything as thinking is little difficult for us than believing ...

Yes you are right......