Touching Paper- Can You Do It?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

12715242_1134081736603874_3963063537983359955_n.jpgI have trouble touching paper and other paper-based things, especially when my hands or skin is dry/without lotion. Not only do I have an issue with paper, but with fabric and other things too. I can't touch most towels with dry hands. If I am drying off a dish, I MUST get the hand that is touching the towel wet. If I walk on smooth concrete, my feel need to either be wet or have a heavy coat of greasy lotion. For a little while I'd wear gloves, and it helped, but then the problem just started happening despite the gloves and the gloves needed lotion on them too. I had a really difficult time this past Christmas opening up my gifts. All of the boxes, the wrapping paper..I even found it hard to have a wrapped gift sitting on my lap touching my clothes. It disgusts me, and it makes me feel so uncomfortable. I hold my hands in fists so they sweat, which can help, but not enough. I do my best to push past it. I still touch these things but it's never with ease.

From some brief research I have been doing it is called "Tactile Sensitivity", classified as a Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). Interestingly, I am finding it can be a "soft" symptom of ADD/ADHD, which has been something I have wanted to discuss with my doctors. No doubt it can be a symptom of another disorder, or as just mentioned, one itself. Mental disorders are complex and the types seem endless. I often find it hard to find validity in what could either be deemed as a "real" problem, or maybe just a normal part of someone's personality and self. I'm working on that perspective because I know we can't be labeling everyone with their own disorders. I think it is important to remember that a disorder is something that disrupts someone's day-to-day, interferes with function and quality of life, whereas a simple personality quirk isn't going to have that impact. It's important to understand there is a difference so that we know where to draw the line between healthy and unhealthy, and to assure those who struggle, that their illness is real.

Do any of you Steemers suffer from something similar?


I luckily do not have to suffer from such a thing, but I am very picky with food and can't just eat anything, especially if the texture isn't to my liking (dumplings for example).

My boyfriend is very picky with food too. He wishes it wasn't that way.

It isn't ideal to be that way, but you cannot help your taste buds and what you do and don't like unfortunately.

I have never had a problem with paper but i do have a tging with loud screeching noises like nails on a chalk board. Gives me chills down my spine and i cringe.

I also have issues with nails on chalk board,it really posses me off badly if someone does it in front of me.

Same!!! Sometimes my boyfriend will go on youtube and find a compilation video of awful noises like that just to get under my skin. Haha Meanie!

Damn how can he do it....really mean.

I can get like that if I read for too long, Or draw for long periods of time, Or flat out have dry hands. Thats a big reason I ALWAYS wear gloves at work when loading boxes. Because Ew! No cardboard.

Boxes are very GROSS.

HEY! Don't insult boxes! LOL load-quality.jpg

@mandyteacup I never heard of "Tactile Sensitivity" but heard a lot of ADD/ADHD. It is best to consult a professional on that way they can differentiate if this is psychological or skin problem. Anyways, I hope you feel better and find it out soon.

I've found that the best way to get over these problems is just to grit your teeth and do it.
The human body was meant to be tactile, which means that you touch your environment. Man was meant to walk barefoot across the ground, touch things with bare hands, as well as smell and taste things.
I don't think it's add/adhd as much as it's a symptom of our sterile environments. We carry alcohol based hand sanitizers, wipe our hands with alcohol based soaps and don't go outside near enough.
But tht's just my two cents worth.

I would much prefer paper whether that be books or boxes and I certainly don't need gloves. When you touch paper you know its real. Digital can easily be deleted. At least paper has a salvageable fuel content.

Really interesting. I had no idea people suffer from this. I hope you find some relief. Must be frustrating.

Well friend, the truth was that I had no information about this disorder; but I think that an important step you have taken is that you are clear about what you are suffering and therefore it should be easier to get help. I hope you get help soon. Greetings.

I think you should take doctor's suggestion immediately. @mandyteacup

One can see through some and one can only see what front of them so its not you.
@upvoted and @resteemed

I have a real tactile adversion for cold things. Funny enough, i actually love cold weather. But "solid cold" stuff, like ice cubes, i cannot possibly handle. I feel my skin literally cracking.

Never actually bothered me, but as i grow older, i am feeling less and less tolerance. It is starting to become a real issue.