What is it with male war fetischism ?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Went to an aeronautic show day today together with my kids. What struck me, was the omnipresent glorification of soldiers, wars and everything related. We saw a brassband playing ridiculous old march music, and their toastmaster told "tales" about the trenches of ww1 and when a certain hat was introduced, "brave" soldiers decorated by presidents and so on. And this in the context of a "show" that is primarily targeted at parents with preteen kids.

There Are old military vehicles and planes, lots of soldiers walking around and salute canons fired with regular intervals.

What is it with this fascination? Do people really not know that war is about killing people? Hundreds of millions of people has been Killed in wars, and yet there those brainwashed, war-fetischists, stand there talking about mass murder like it was a game of chess.

Personally i am sick and tired of this, hidden in the open, normalisation of kids perception of killing other human beings. A murder is a murder no matter which sounds you use to describe, the killer and which fabrics his body is dressed in.

And why do we never hear any women (mothers) oppose against this? Apparently they are satisfied with having their kids being brainwashed with war propaganda !

(Free writing #2)


While I agree with your anti-war message this still raises one particular question in me; why did you, knowing what it was gonna be like, bring your kids to it? Seems pretty stupid to willingly put yourself (and the kids) through something you knew you wouldn't enjoy. Your presence probably even indicated support to those who arranged the event.

The last part about no women/mothers being against war is just plain wrong, and you know it.

Wel, first of all your argument is ad hominem used as a red herring. But to answer your question, the poster did not say anything about military. And also my kids have been completely deprogrammed from military and soldiers etc. by me, so they automatically reject it. But i am probably 1 in 1000 in that regard