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RE: RIP Chester Bennington - Linkin Park's Lead Singer Commits Suicide

in #life8 years ago

Sad that his talented life was cut short. As we have seen with too many others like Robin Williams, the face of severe depression is rarely an overt sadness but too often a positive, funny, and seemingly "ok" demeanor.

We all need stay tuned into our friends, family, and people we know to try and spot their problems before they reach that point.

When I was 19, first year in college, really mostly happy, and doing well I came close one night to making the attempt.

There is a moment burned into my brain and soul that I can never forget. Someone knocked on the dorm room door and asked me if I had some band aids.

I didn't know her, no classes together. I'd seen her down the hall a few times. She was in the midst of sorority pledging and a list of things to find.. a scavenger hunt. Not what I was into. I was a hippie type, bell bottoms and beads!

Her knock and request for help ( I assumed she had cut herself) was all it took to break the mental prison I had found myself in. Sounds totally nuts, but I could help her, I had band aids!

I gave her a couple of band aids and she explained she was a sorority rush and asked if I was thinking of pledging. I thought to myself she's crazy and the next thought was no, you're the one who is crazy.

She saved my life. I regret that I never took the time to explain it to her and she transferred to another college a month or so later.

So this is my belated way of thanking her!

Debbie of the Alpha Chi Omega sorority! Thank you!

Image courtesy of pixabay

It just takes a moment be real with someone...