Why Just Saying -- YES.., Will Change Your World

in #life8 years ago (edited)

The Power Of YES

Why Just Saying YES.., Will Change Your World

The power of saying, yes.., is nothing to scoff at… It is after-all, the reason we're here -- Mom said YES! But it makes our lives fuller, minus the fear. It presents us opportunities to succeed and achieve. Attracts positivity and stretches the mind. A nod to the unknown, a step in the dark. The power of Yes will get you your wife. Buy you your house.., and name your first child.

Just for being asked.., should be reason enough.

Saying No out of fear can be useful at times. There are many situations.., where No serves us too well. It keeps us safe from danger.., and retains us our pride. . It will end those bad relationships.., and just help keep you alive. Save you from jail, when you've had one too many… But I still don't understand -- why they just don't say, yes..?

Saying No can feel powerful.., saying Yes can change the world.

Much has been written about the power of Yes… We know that it's harder, than just saying no. Saying Yes requires courage -- a leap of faith in the dark. The skill to discern, in the blink of an eye. The desire to explore and seek out the truth. It helps us to thrive.., and live fuller lives. Plus, it just feels damn good!

“I wanted movement and not a calm course of existence. I wanted excitement and danger and the chance to sacrifice myself for my love.” Leo Tolstoy

Future "what-if's" don't exist.., when you just say yes. The time you will save, the things you will learn. From tying your shoe, to falling in love. Your success will be great.., your failures well fought. All from the power of just saying yes.

Some tell you to practice and say Yes, all the day long. Or jot down your thoughts, of how you felt at the time. Chant it out-loud.., repeat it in your sleep -- they jam it down your throat and hope that it will keep. When it's all just very silly.., and fuzzies-up your head. When all you have to do is -- Just say YES.

When you avoid saying yes.., to prolong committing  -- you know you will do it, so just do it! 

1962 Martin Oswald -- "For where it is our power to act, it is our power not to act, and where we can say "no," we also say "yes""

2000 Roger Crisp -- "Where it is in our power to act, it is also our power not to act, and where saying "no" is in our power, so is saying "yes""

2002 Christopher Rowe -- "For when acting depends on us, not acting does so too, and when saying no does so, saying yes does too." (the list goes on btw)

Say what..?

Is it just me… Or are all these so-called "experts..," saying the same thing! They spin their very yarns and confuse us with there words. They play games with the mind, when our spirit knows best. And write books all the time, in their weary quest. So be cautious of "snake-oil" cause it's a lie of the mind.

To be quite honest.., it's not all that involved. A bob of the head, the wink of an eye… Will get you where your going.., and it won't make you cry. A decision well made, carefully weighed.., is a skill you will learn, as you travel on your way. The emotions you will feel.., as it carries you away.

A very strange side-effect of "YES" -- it makes you want more!

I've never really done anything to create what has happened. It creates itself. Im here because it happened. But I didn't do anything to make it happen apart from saying "Yes." Ringo Starr

We've all heard the phrase -- "Just say no" (fuck Nancy Reagan) But when we, toss all the bullshit and put down the books… We learn to say yes, to all that is good. With very little effort, if any, at all. It livens our lives and lightens our soul. It stings like a bee when it doesn't go as planned, lesson well learned -- you won't do that, again!

It's a never-ending gift.., that keeps giving everyday. For what it embodies, is very nature itself. From the moment that it tickled us, it woke us up inside. Through all the good and bad, it's always had our back. With no need to ask, it's nursed our broken dreams -- comforts us in sorrow and hides are very grief.

And when we are to listen.., it will lead us down it's path… From mysteries, to cold hard truths.., and never once look back. Willing is it's spirit, cunning is it's craft. It's that what make us grateful, as we stumble in the dark. So when you have objections, a flicker of the mind. Remember Yes won't let you down, it will just expand your mind.

But what if "yes" has been beaten down.., by all the varied ills. The suffering and the starving, that invade our very world. The poison we breath -- the garbage we eat. Has it clouded our judgement, in the hopes, to just get by… Has it suffered so much, we've lost the child inside. If this is true.., there's much work to do. Cause a life without YES.., is no life, at all.

YEAH.., I got this!

Image Source: 1 2 3 


I agree that there's a time to say "yes", particularly to one's own heart. However, there are times when saying "no" is the best, most spiritual, decision.

No doubt about it!

When reading this post I literally had a rap in my mind and was reading it as a poem/rap. I made you a voice. A voice that made this very powerful inside me.

So YES. Say yes to life. We are all where we are now because of what happened to us, however good or bad we might judge it. It's irrelevant.
All that matters is we are here.

And ...

What will we do next?

I hear that @joewantsfreedom... You should record it as a rap.., and post it!

Hah, I might.
Though right now I don't have a microphone (Otherwise I'd already record one song I created few days ago).

Though I will try to get one as soon as possible from someone.

Did you watch the movie The Yesman starring Jim Carrey? It is a funny and inspiring story about a man who says yes to everything.

It was funny :)) Thanks @positivesteem!

This is very true! It is certainly true for artists and creatives. Ideas are fleeting, but grabbing hold and saying yes to one is the only way things happen! I'm also a big fan of improv classes, which even for an introvert can teach you to say yes and roll with whatever follows.

Thanks @storyseeker... Gotta say yes, in that improv class or there would be no scene :))

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