Walk around Playa del Carmen, Mexico & Do we really need all of our STUFF?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

On my walk the other day, I was focusing on some very distinct differences between Canada and here. Sometimes it's just something like this enormous, beautiful tree ( I think there are two trees there:), left in the middle of the road. That's actually at the intersection, but it's difficult to tell because they don't have stop signs here!

This is a little convenience store, but I love how the tree was left and the building happened around it. And I think that this tree has such an interesting trunk shape; I wonder what was there before to make it grow like that? It's very common to see a bulldozer or backhoe clearing a piece of property, but the big trees are left standing. I love that!


This flowering tree is very common around here, and although I've noticed the lovely flowers on them before, today I noticed how interesting the buds look. And as usual, I have no idea what it's called. Do you?


A bit like a lipstick tube, shiny and waxy. If my boys were here, they'd compare it to something entirely different :) Any guesses??


Most houses, regardless of size or shape, have a lot of natural foliage around it, in the yards, on the roof...just about anywhere. And because it's so hot year round, everything continuously blooms, unlike Canada with our very short growing season.


Speaking of houses, they really do come in varying sizes and states of upkeep around here. I love color, and I think the owners of this house do as well, judging from the brightly hung laundry. At home, if someone on the block or street painted their house this bright yellow, I don't think most of the neighbors would be very pleased. Mexico really does do color well. In Canada, it's more a sea of beige and tan, except on the east coast; Newfoundland has some awesome colored houses.


Newfoundland :) Pretty awesome, isn't it?!!

Here however, many houses and living conditions are like glorified camping. This one for example has no walls in the top floor. That's actually a fridge up there. Don't feel sorry just yet though; in this heat, it's probably a purposeful construction; cool cement, shade, and open for a nice breeze! But compared to home, living conditions are very different. What I've really noticed is that most people don't seem to have all the stuff that we deem necessary, or the space for that matter. It's very common to see a family living in a one-room house, with hammocks hanging everywhere. Brian and I were out for a walk the other night, and we noticed an open door, so of course I had to nonchalantly take a little peek, and what did I see? A TV on the wall and two hammocks hanging. That's it! No side tables, knick-knacks, couches, table, chairs, nothing.

Because this is a tourist destination and Playa has a pretty big Expat community as well, all new construction aimed at that demographic is of course modern and fully equipped with all the amenities that we think we need so badly :) Personally, after downsizing at home several times, and then arriving here with a backpack each, one small suitcase and our cat Buddy :), I have learned to live with less, and in fact, I like it more :)

What kind of walk would it be if I didn't meet a couple of new friends along the way :) If this first guy didn't have such a loud bark, I would have missed him completely; he's standing on the balcony, guarding the castle. That's another thing here that's different from home...there are so many dogs who hang out on the roof of their house, which are all flat...the roofs, not the dogs haha


And this man (proof is in his running shoes; poor guy, I totally ignored him) had his new puppy out for a walk. I took about ten photos, but these two were the only ones that turned out half decent. He was so excited and very interested in my phone... and oh so cute :)


Hope you enjoyed hanging out with me today!

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I have a fascination with trees too, and I would have probably taken a picture too while passing by :)

It's funny that we end up the post with dogs, because these flowers reminded me of dog's penises.

Living as an expat make your realize that we eat and shit all the same...

these flowers reminded me of dog's penises.

hahaha @edprivat, that's exactly what I thought and certainly what my sons would have been saying too!!

Yep, people are people. Period :)

We have lived in Central America for almost twenty years. We do visit family in Canada and have sons and grandkids there. Would I move back? No. I enjoy the freedom of having less and enjoying life more. Having more stuff means more responsibility and less freedom to do what you want to do. I love the photos!

That is so true @cecicastor! I didn't know that; where are you in Central America? Brian and I have talked about going somewhere else and have talked of C.America, so I'm curious.

You said it...there's so much freedom to enjoy life without all the stuff hanging around your neck!

I am in the hot spot of Nicaragua right now. Other spots you may want to look at would be Costa Rica and Panama. We have lived in Costa Rica and found it a bit on the expensive side. Don't know much about Panama but you could ask @panamamama.

Thanks for the information @cecicastor ! I actually have a friend who winters in Costa Rica, but I'm with you...a bit too expensive. I've looked into Panama as well, but it didn't grab me like here. We'll see, and just keep looking around.

Aren't these nice problems to have? 😅

First.. I'll tell ya .. it's alamanda or angels trumpet. Well.. will be back with more information later. Need to read this on my laptop😂

Ahh good to know @cicisaja :) Thanks!

if you want to know, I can find the name of trees and flowers you have here, but I knew you don't really need it, I need more information about the first tree but maybe later. The second tree .. looks like Flamboyant or Royal Poinciana or delonix regia. Allamanda Flower Native to America and Distributed from Mexico to Argentina, colourful and some people use it as herbal medicine too.
other flower photos is Bougainvillea and I still try to recignise the last tree... more like Tamarind but Not really.

Well... What a nice day to walk with you.. that puppy must be kinda a selfie dog. well... no murals today though.

Thank you @cicisaja! A few told me Pink Allamanda here, but you had way more information smart girl :)

I've got more murals coming haha

Commercialism bad. Materialism bad. I agree. I live in fear of selling my house...what will I do with all our stuff. Then I commit to clearing the clutter but most of it stays :( I think people in the States have even more material possessions than Canadians. My impression visiting Canada is that they aren't quite as materialistic as the US. Less stuff, more dogs. You could start a movement with that !

In Vancouver, where we lived, there were areas where people were "less stuff, more dogs", but other areas where people were "more stuff for me and my dogs"; they were the ones that had their pups dressed nicer than me! I hear what you're saying though, and I think you're probably right.

Awesome pics again, @lynncoyle1. If you keep that up, we'll be there in no time, lol.

I remember seeing that impressive tree in one of your previous posts. Here, it would have been long gone, for sure.

I guess it's a disease typical for the so called 'first world': we are so used to all the luxury we have that we are like brainwashed, thinking we actually need it. We think - no, worse: we are taught - that we need it to be happy. It's no different from an addiction, and it is not easy to change that state of mind.
No, I'm wrong: it is easy, we are just afraid to make that choice...

On the lighter side: those pink buds look so beautiful and weird at the same time. And I'm with your boys, lol - lipstick was the last thing that came to mind, haha

You're right, we are taught to do exactly that. I used to show my students an online video called "The Story of Stuff"; check it out, it's about this kind of thing.

I was totally with my boys too, but thought I'd see what everyone else had to say lol. It took me a while to come up with lipstick haha

Osme pics by you @lynncoyle1
Nature gives so much relaxation to my mind that I can't even express that!

Thank you so much! It is so beautiful here :)

Nice walk around.

I have found that in the warmer regions the appreciation for trees is greater because of the benefit of the shade they provide.

Thank you @wolfhart. I'd never thought about it that way, but you might be on to something there!

Might be. did you say "MIGHT BE' well I never

Rule #1 I am always right
Rule #2 When in doubt refer to rule # 1

Can you tell I am getting tired LOL
I just don't have the SP to get over the dust when voting

ok ok, you're always right :)

Edit: You are definitely on to something there.

I'm tired too and am heading to bed. Wish me luck.

For sleeping.

for sleeping. LOL

Hope you fall into a nice slumber :)

I totally enjoyed hanging out with you. I was expecting to see a picture of you with Brian and the friends you met😊😃. But it's ok. Mexico is indeed beautiful. I just hope someday I get to touch it sands

Aww thank you @unyimeetuk! Brian was in my post before this one :) It is so beautiful here, and if you ever get a chance to "touch it sands", I hope I'm here to meet you in person!

A great blog @lynnecoyle1 and in answer to your question. NO! We don't need all of the ' Stuff' that we habitually gather and trip over or have to store, clean and move when we need to accommodate even more stuff. I have downsized on a few occasions especially when my husband and I went to live in China. I learned very quickly that we can enjoy life just as much, if not more when we de-clutter.

I once worked for an extremely wealthy couple and observed how unhappy the wife was surrounded by antiques, designer clothes, servants, gardeners etc, etc. And no doubt she carried that unhappiness into all of the homes they owned around the world. Although the word 'enough' is clearly described in the dictionary they could never grasp that concept and I truly felt sorry for them.

Those flowers are called, "Pink Allamanda, " Lynne. We have them here in Australia as they love tropical climates. The yellow ones are beautiful too.

Lovely to catch up with you again. xx

It's so sad when people continue to search for happiness in store bought goods, or at least try to fill the void when they're unhappy. I feel sorry for that woman too!

Pink Allamanda! Thank you @trudeehunter, and it was nice to see you too!

"Things' will never satisfy us Lynne as I'm sure you are well aware of. And some of the happiest people I have known have so much less material wise than the average westerner and they are generally very 'giving' people which says a lot in my opinion.

Those are the kind of people that we have met here @trudeehunter! They have so little, but are so happy. In Canada/US, there's some of the wealthiest people and the highest number of those on anti-depressants etc. People are searching in all the wrong places!

So true Lynne. The investment of time, love and compassion into other peoples lives has eternal effects, whereas the high that one experiences from acquiring material things lasts for such a short period of time. Hence the need to keep chasing those temporary highs.

Wise words @trudeehunter 😅 ...I'm realizing that you and I are preaching to choir though!

Well, at least we know how to make sweet music together @lynnecolye even if we are our own biggest fans. (lol)

I really like the trees as well. Especially now when it's so hot, it's nice to have some shade.

Once you get used to having less stuff, it's really nice. We're taught to work to get more stuff so we can fill our houses, but life seems much simpler and more peaceful when we don't clutter our lives with a bunch of junk. I like that mental picture of a tv and two hammocks. And maybe a view of the beach. :)

It's so true, we are taught to keep buying more and more stuff. I used to show my students a little video you can find online called "The Story of Stuff". It's worth watching.

A view of the beach would make it perfect!

I haven't seen that video. I started watching it, but haven't finished it yet. I'm going to try to get through my replies tonight, but I'll try to finish it tomorrow.

the woman's voice is a little annoying, but the message is a good one😅

It doesn't really bother me, but I haven't watched it a bunch of times with students.

I never really thought about who is paying the cost of the cheap stuff that we get. I mean, I have, but never really specifically contemplated it. I knew that a lot of the produce we get so cheaply is because undocumented migrant workers get paid next-to-nothing to pick it. That keeps the cost down. It's crazy to think about the people at the stores paying for part of my goods because the price is so low... due to their acceptance of a low wage... because they have no other options.

It's all rather depressing. I haven't made any life-changing decisions from watching it yet, but I really do try to extend the shelf life of what I own. I don't like waste, especially when it comes to buying new stuff.

It just makes you think, and that was the reason I showed it in class all the time. I'm not sure we need to make life changing decisions, but awareness is key. I think extending the shelf life of your own stuff is great; there is no need to throw away something, just because a new version came up. Here in Mexico, they have shoe, tv, radio, small appliances etc repair places still. It is not a throw-away society here, and it's nice to see.

But do they still use plastic straws? A lot of the West Coast of the USA is starting to make plastic straws illegal. Drunk driving is apparently just frowned upon. But plastic straws can get you jail time. :P

Wicked awesome walk, Lynn and I agree about the stuff. We downsized a TON about seven years ago, and moved the family into a camper (with the idea of traveling the country... a year later, and we still hadn't made it out of New Hampshire...lol). It was so freeing to be without so much clutter! But now that we've lived in one place for almost six years, the clutter seems to have grown back - really need to do something about that. Love the doggies, and I'll refrain from comment on the flower... LMAO!

Thank you @traciyork! I hear what you're saying; it doesn't take long to collect more crap after we've gotten rid of the old stuff! haha still in New Hampshire lol Brian and I did the same, but stayed in Vancouver in our 5th wheel for a few years and loved it! It's so freeing just knowing that you have the capability to drive away and go live somewhere else :)

haha the flower! Took me a while to come up with lipstick lol

well well well....look who finally decided to grace us with her presence! and then try to confuse us with her comments..like the refrigerator in the 2nd story of that one house..where? I don't see no refrigerator!.. and in the top photo with 2 trees..I can see at least 5 dang trees growing there unless you're talking about some other tree!

so other than you being a dog magnet and trying to talk us into giving up all our stuff I'm not sure I understand this post. should I be embarrassed for being a materialistic glutton or should I congratulate myself for making it through your post??
lol! God bless you!

hahaha well, I believe you have reached an age where you need glasses sir :)

And dogs are the best judges of character, way better than humans I think!

oh you finally got around to reading comments I see! ha! I was pretty nice to you on that one wasn't I?

Oh, I take my time with you these days :)

you think? Nice? haha

I thought I was pretty generous with you yes! in fact it was getting close to being sweet! yuck. so I had to back off a little.

Cool tour around your city. It is interesting to see different ways of life around the world. One think it's the same everywhere, but it's not. I am sure the open home which we think may be "dilapidated" is designed in some ways to better fit the living condition there.

If my boys were here, they'd compare it to something entirely different :) Any guesses??

I've been hanging around with the COM peeps too long. I will refrain from guessing. :D

hahaha @beeyou, the COM guys have sullied you I see! Check out edprivat's comment here; he's bang on and so serious about it lol

Google came up with this for the flowers:

~1. A womans clitorus, the small protrusion. 'to suck on the "bud" gives a woman great delight'
~2. Your friend, 'hey buddy'
~3. short for Budweiser, American beer. "Gimme a bud"

I love the shot of the houses with all the different colours, it really gives the place a cheerful look!

hahahahaha @bengy!! Best comment ever :) Damn that Google...crazy kid :)

Great post @lynncoyle1. Thanks for sharing a little bit of the perspective you gained. On your vacation?

All of "our stuff" can really be a problem. Personally, I think we struggle with how wealthy we are. Still, something about our "human condition, we (collectively) tend to focus more on what we don't have, than what we do ...

Working on that in my own life. As my profile states, focusing more on "the simple things" ...

Thanks again for sharing with us @lynncoyle1! 👍😊

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Hi @roleerob! Not vacation; we got rid of basically everything at home and came here about a year ago. For several reasons, we made the choice to hop off the hamster wheel and live the "simple" life :)

OK, thanks for the clarification @lynncoyle1. Sounds like a very interesting place!

"... we made the choice to hop off the hamster wheel ..."

Ahh, yes, the "hamster wheel" ... 😊 We are actively discussing "hopping off" ourselves, but not quite there yet ...

Once this vacation is over, back to our "real world" on the hamster wheel ...

Have a great day @lynncoyle1!

We talked about it for so long, and one day I just started to sell stuff. I told my husband, "we can talk about it forever, or we can just do it" :)

Have a great day too @roleerob :)

I thoroughly did enjoy hanging with you today! Been a while @lynncoyle1. How is it going. Sorry haven't been on Steemit very much of late, so been very very quiet :)


Hey! I've been wondering about you lately :) Things are going about the same here. No need to be sorry; we all have our real lives to lead! Thanks for stopping by though :)

Oh, you and Brian have been on my mind too. Always making me smile. :)

Good to hear from you. Wishing you blessed moments filled with love and grace.


Thank you so much @kchitrah! Same to you <3

You really lived in a interesting neighborhood @lynncoyle1!!
I love that they kept all the trees!

Thanks @roselifecoach! I do too :)

Wonderful tour of Playa del Carmen. Your photos are awesome! That puppy is the cutest!

Thank you Roger! I just wanted to grab that puppy and run :)

You probably had to do everything in your power to resist that temptation!

I did. Plus the guy had running shoes on and I was wearing flip flops :)

Right! Flip flops would be no match for those Nikes!

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Nice post.

beautiful with fresh greenery

Thank you:)

I came to your post because you were featured in the pifc discord self promotion room. Thank you for you enlightening post about .. aah penises. Do I detect some envy there

hahahaha I started to read this and thought you'd made a mistake!!

by the way, I was featured in a contest about dog's penises lol

HAHAHA you are starting to get a reputation

You do bring a smile to my face

I'm so glad to hear that :)

Lol! After reading the comments on here I realise why I could only see lipstick in those flowers. I never had a dog!

So colorful and vibrant! Enjoyed it!

What a great post - both the pictures and your reactions are so engaging.

The more I hear about supposedly "poor" countries, the more they sound like a place I want to live. Eastern Europe keeps sounding better and better, but now Mexico too. Just a whole different pace to life, and a whole new set of priorities.

It's so true @winstonalden! I'm 52 now, and I often feel that life here is how is was when I was a kid back home. Sometimes more is not better :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Well that was an OUTSTANDING #walkwithme if I've ever seen one, and full of humour too bwa hahahhaahaa...yesss the lipstick tube...I've seen some dogs around, it ain't my first rodeo too hhahahahaaaaa, I guess I'm one of the boys!

That flower tree was sooooooo purdy...the amount of colour where you live is just the best. I love that you threw in the maritimes, it's like that here in NS, especially Peggy's Cove Village and Mahone Bay. But yeah, the rest of this country is just so... Beige. (I don't know if you watched sex in the city, but there was a "Beige" thing there that I'm totally thinking of now).

Very sweet puppers, I'm surprised you didn't make off with him <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Thanks so much for this view into your town, your life.

hahaha me too!! I had to come up with something, so I went with lipstick tubes, but really, they're an exact replica of a dog's penis lol But I did one to run off with the real pup here; so cute and friendly!

And I couldn't leave out a bit of colorful Canada; I've heard that about NS too.

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)