My 1st post was all about my son's birth.
As I mentioned I had no idea how to raise a human. But I learned through every mistake.
My son didn't sleep at all. He slept 3 hours broken up a night. For the 1st year and a half. We tried everything. The 1 Dr gave us a medicine they give to kids before teatre and that is supposed to let them sleep for at least 6 hours.
But not for my son that made him sleep for 2 hours at a time and then he woke up grumpy.
Eventually I found this woman. My last option as I was a zombie. So I contacted her and we made the appointment and all was set. Before our good byes she said "Oh yes you leave your baby at home, you are the problem"
I was shocked. How can this woman say it's me. She hasn't even met me before. But I was at wits end. I had to do something.
So my husband and myself went to see this lady. She told me my baby knows that I will come as soon as he makes a noise. ( And I use to). She gave us a new diet more protein as protein makes you sleepy.
We went back home and tried her method. And 3 days later my son slept through for 6 hours at a time.
Believe me it was hard. But I had to make some changes.
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