I Do Not Like Independent Women

in #life7 years ago

I have never understood the phrase, ‘strong independent woman.’ It’s not that I don’t like ladies with strong personalities - my wife is certainly that type. What confuses me, is why we set up ladies for failure with that statement.

Let’s be clear, I don’t like independent men either. We hear all the time, ‘no man is an island’, and readily accept it to be true - not that we fellas enjoy admitting that.

My problem with encouraging strong independent women or men is that we are sowing seeds of foolishness.

“He who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgment.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭18:1‬ ‭

None of us enjoy spending time with someone who clearly has their own interest ahead of ours. We are wired to be around people who are servants and care for our well being.

This is not to say that those people are pushovers and bend to our every whim. We follow leaders, and great leaders follow greater leaders.

A man or woman in isolation, ie independent, is not leading people or influencing - they are raging against wisdom.

We are created for relationships and unity. Seeking independence ensures that we are lonely, consumed with ourselves, and dying on the vine.

I have no problem with strong, confident, and visionary men or women - frankly, we need more of them.

But, when we disconnect from community, we are pouring roundup on the seeds we plant - there is no way anything healthy will come it.

What I would rather us cheer on, are strong and faithful individuals. Someone who knows who they are, and knows they are nothing without someone to bless. That is the kind of person I am willing to follow and serve with all that I am.

Image Sources: 1-2


You should read this to understand more ;p

Haha, noted. ;p

I agree with you Lydon. Each person supplies their part in life and without them things are imbalanced. Whether in the secular world or in the church.

In marriage, we are one. So if one person splits by marching to the beat of their own drum, ie making themselves a priority, again things are imbalanced. How can two walk together as one unless they are in agreement.

A house divided against itself cannot stand.

A man or woman in isolation, ie independent, is not leading people or influencing - they are raging against wisdom.

How can two walk together as one unless they are in agreement.

Amen to that. Thank you for your kind and wise words, Ms Deb.

Being an "independent woman" as it is discussed in the context of our modern day society is referring to how these women operate in comparison to the immediate World around them.

It does not have anything to do with religious connotation.

I know plenty of "independent women" who are quite dependant on a greater power a.k.a God.

You are mixing up the two , like they are the same. They're not.

P.S. Also a "independent woman" also does not mean a woman who does not need anyone here on Earth or who wants to be alone. I do not know where you are from but here in the US an "independent woman" is more of a state of mind than of a physical sense. They are independant in that they can go out and do things on their own terms with or without anyone else. In many cases they choose to have many people around them and are NOT alone. But they still are an "independent woman" with a free thinking and independent mind

P.S. Sorry, I have a lot to say lol You may not like an "independent woman" but I can tell you without any hesitation Iam raising two young daughters of mine to be very, very, very "independent women". Make no mistake about that whether people like you like it or not.. I could care less !!! And they will have the choice when they are adults of whether they want to be around a lot of people or just alone. I suspect if now is any indication they will have many, many people around them as adult women. They might even have a husband who at times they may depend on. But I teach them they do not need any man for anything unless they so desire based on real love . They will be self sufficient. And their minds and brains will ALWAYS be of an "independent woman"..and one who believes and loves God !!

Wow, that is one of the most thought out comments I have had in a while. This is why I write - to create conversations.

Cannot say I agree with you in full, but I respect where you are coming from. It sounds like you are a caring father who is all about raising strong ladies who think independently - that I completely concur with.

Thank you @lydon.sipe. I get what you're saying. And I do appreciate where you are coming from. I to believe in God, and I agree that there are people who wish to go life "completely" alone. To me that is sad. And it's not the way I want to bring up my girls. Thanks for your Post.

I know I may have come off that I was preaching but just real passionate about this. Sorry , if I came off a little abrasive :)

No harm, no foul. Thank you for speaking for what you care about in a kind manner - we need more of that. :)

I am all about the community. Lately I have had the pleasure of introducing some new folks to Steemit. Yes its takes a lot of time. Yes Ive had to delegate so SP to get around the bandwidth problems. And yes I have made some posts more for newbies than general consumption which probably cost me some earnings, but its for the community and should pay dividends into the future.

You are a true servant, my friend. The dividends are starting to yield results.

you know, lydon, I don't mesh with anyone pushing a partisan agenda whatever it is. It seems the minute you focus heavily on one side you become deaf to the other.

It seems the minute you focus heavily on one side you become deaf to the other.

Well said, my friend. I cannot count how many times I read one point of view in Scripture, and a few chapters later the other side is shown. We must be about holding truths in tension.

As long as the divide between sexes exist and statements like this are use, there will always be inequities between men and women. With sex centric initiatives like the me too moment and slut walks, it is obvious that people still try to use their sexual orientation as a crutch, witch is ridiculous. Most professional job these days aer dominated by women, if they really had it as bad as they make it out to be, the entity of this would never exist. My Doctor is a female, my lawyer is a female, my accountant is a female. Like come on already.

Ha...you live in a bubble then . Of course because you experience this and that then is must be Truth, right ?? lol

No body is using anything as a crutch. You get people who are 12 year old gymnasts who are assaulted jst because they have a vagina between their legs...then we have a problem in Society.

As I said this is real stuff that is happening real time and noone is using any crutches around here.


Having been molested by a family member for a large part of my childhood, if the worst thing that happened to me was a few fingers being stuck between my legs, trust me I would still be functional. Your perception is skewed because you have daughters and most likely a wife.

Eww... now you are just being indecent and living up to your name.

I was thinking we could have a dialogue . Thanks but no thanks. You can have at it, though.


LOL...Classic. Thought twice, huh ?? For someone who is supposedly so "mature " enough in talking of the inequities in Life, you sure have little staying power with letting your Convictions remain permanently engraved on the Blockchain ;)

You really need to stop trolling, I have flagged all your comments. You really need to find something better to do. I cant believe I am taking maturity lessons from a guy that spends his Friday nights harassing people that have been sexually abused about their abuse. You have serve mental health issues and your intolerant actions will eventually catchup with you. I removed my previous comments not for their content, I removed them because I didn't want to fall into the trap of a childish troll. Good day and you have been ignored.

P.S. @fuckmylife this is not meant to be a slight towards you. You can take it how you want but I'm not trying to insult you at all. I'm truly not. Just some input. But you might try changing your Username. I think it hurts your chance in doing good here at Steemt. Actually, I just do not see how you succeed with it, to be honest. You have a Following of over 1,000 and a good Rep. But you just get pennies for your Blog Posts. And there not bad blog posts at all. Actually good posts. There is no way you should be getting that small amount. You should be making $10, $20 and up by now. Maybe it could have something to do with your Username? People just don't take you serious seeing your name ?? I think they see it and just think to themselves to just move onto someone else who is more serious about Stemit. At least for me that's the very first thing that I see when I first saw you. Definitely not a good first impression at all. Like I say take it how you want but trying to offer some sincere constructive criticism. Peace out

You don’t like independent women ? U sexist !!!
Haha jk 👍
Just making a jab at our insane SJW culture that attacks us when we even try to have a conversation like this! I dig what you said friend 👍

Haha, I hear you. We need to have these conversations.

in general that labeling thing don't help at all, instead it divide us more i think. We just have to look after each other,not be greedy and try for the best of your community and world nothing more nothing less

Labeling usually does not help - tough to build friendships that way.

You have pointed out so well. You know in our culture; i have seen people who label 'earning ladies' as 'independent woman' and are scared of them when it comes to marriage. Why? Because she can earn, and is not dependent on her spouse. She can speak and take a step for her own right. She can use her money by her own will. And that's the reason why a lot of men ask their wives to give up job after marriage because it hurts their ego.

But yes this independent woman is required when it comes to job. Then the same man who has probably not permitted his wife to do job; will happily hire her in his office.

I hate to say this but this discrimination has lead to dead relationships in our culture. Unfortunately.

A very thought provoking post i must say.....thanks

Well said.

I love strong women - I married one after all. However, no one is independent of themselves, men or women - we risk depression and lack of purpose if we go about life on our own. We are designed to work together and succeed for the King.

@lydon.sipe Great Subject in my opinion independent will just corrupt womens ^_^

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Right!!dear, I do not Like . great post dear @lydon.sipe thahk you for shering this post.

This was a great insight, I've never thought of it that way! Thank you!

You’re welcome. :)