DTUBE ONLY VIDEO - Parkland Code Red Documentary

in #life7 years ago (edited)


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Some topics are just too controversial for YouTube. Questioning specific stories will now get you banned from the platform and channels are increasingly being taken down for content like what you are about to see. Our videos are being demonetized, and our live streaming abilities were recently cut by YouTube over a false accusation brought by CNN of copyright infringement.

What follows is a definitive citizen investigation into the events of Parkland, and it blows the lid off official accounts and media bias. This is exclusive to the DTube platform. This took Jason three weeks of grinding to put together so please re-steam and share it on your social media and please support We Are Change.

Jason examines how student Nikolas Cruz was able to become a school shooter in spite of multiple reports that he was a dangerous person from fellow students, family, and concerned citizens. Someone even contacted the FBI about Cruz in January and gave a detailed description of his erratic behavior. All of these reports seemingly went unheeded by the police. It is difficult to understand how a person like him was even able to own and acquire weapons. He was also reportedly getting counseling and was on psychotropic drugs.

Jason examines the official timeline and reports on how the official story has changed. There are inconsistencies in the arrest and the handling of the suspect. The school itself has a significant police presence which failed to do anything while the shooting is happening. There are multiple reported reasons for why this occurred.

Earlier that day the school had a fire drill which confused many students when the alarms went off a second time. There had been numerous drills in recent weeks and announcements about what to do in the event of a real shooting. Many students thought that it was just another drill. A teacher from the school Ernest Rospierski was told that morning that there would be a code-red drill later that day. He initially assumed the sounds of shooting was part of a drill.

Witnesses reported that the gunman was in full body armor and was wearing a mask, the police, however, deny this version of events. Could there have been multiple shooters as some students reported?

What we do know, is we don’t know the truth.

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Why is it always so difficult to get to the truth?

having dealt with a real life high-level sociopath (my father sadly), I can tell you as a matter of fact that the police, the legal system, the medical system, the psychiatric system... all the systems in place are not equipped to deal with these extreme types on the fringe. In the end, they are people in these positions of responsibility, and are either scared or unwilling to deal with "possibilities" of violence. Their job is to react to evidence, and their job is on the line if they preemptively deal with these people. My point is, human beings are mostly cowards that cannot deal with this stuff.

Very nice video. Good documentary. I love it. Thanks for sharing.

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No one got a scratch, dude. YT is openly Bolshevik in their actions. But, all the alt-media sites are exposing themselves as controlled opposition by not having the testicular fortitude to expose these "mass shootings" as just more bloodless "gun grab" drills.

The only victim at Pulse/Orlando, Ft. Lauderdale airport, and Parkland was the Second Amendment. Cheesy crisis actors galore. These (true alt-media) sites easily expose the Parkland farce for what it is. The DC and BB are commie gate keepers, at this point.

Watch these recovering leftists, Debbie (of YT "Sane Progressive" fame) and Claudia red-pill before your eyes. Claudia is a recovering Vermonter moon bat.



Whatever labels ya wanna put on it... you seem to have the same opinion as I do on this. I don't use the program language of right VS. left. They have hijacked good words just like they do with everything and cast a spell over everyone to convince them they mean bad things. When we repeat them in the context they want us to it reinforces that spell.

Liberal means free, Progressive means developing, happening gradually, improvement. They have people using them like they are curse words, that is part of the divide and conquer strategy. Just like the symbols and other words and names they have twisted to control the mind. Left and right are indicating the strategy is still working. Aside from that I'd say you've got it nailed! The whole damn thing is a scam and to investigate it for any other purpose than to awaken people who are still believeing the lie, is a waste of time. We know it's all a lie, we know what they are getting at. I can't even look at all of the details because it's too frustrating to think anyone could possibly still refuse to see how wicked the people behind our govts are.

Debbie herself has said that label is not really appropriate for her but that it's become how people identify her work as hers, so she does not plan to change it. We have to look past labels because people are waking up on both 'sides', so I'm glad you shared Debbie and Claudia's links here for people to see that!

I'm thinking two things now:

  1. It's all a staged hoax by the elite with crisis actors and nobody died.

  2. It's all staged and planned by the elite and people actually did die.

It's so beautiful and the amazing post bro.

Great video. Why doesn't Jason start his own page? You guy's could still obviously work together, but it might help to have a different channel. Keep fighting the good fight brother...

The censorship needs to stop.

The amount of visual evidence here blows my mind. Why haven't they covered the duffle bag being removed by police?

Initial reports (those Live/Breaking news reports as it were happening) stated 'It has been confirmed that the gunman is a student who was in class at the school earlier in the day', (that was told to the media directly from the Broward Police followed by 'they have his home and work address').
With that in mind, plus people hypothesising that it seemed like they were carrying a body in the bag, and after watching the video repeatedly, I can't shake the notion that maybe there is a small possibility that it could be Cruz in the bag, either drugged, unconscious etc.
It would fit in with the blonde witness statement of talking to him mid-shooting, and explain how they caught him so fast. Especially when he was unidentifiable to all shooting witnesses because of his mask/identity obscuring clothing during the shooting. (So how did they know it was him so quickly?)
It wouldn't be hard to lure someone with ASD/ADHD (autistic traits make you socially naive to people's intentions), especially if he had been pre chosen as the 'Perfect Patsy'.
It may sound crazy, but it's a thought train worth considering until someone can rule it out.

Trauma based mind control. Nicely done piecing everything together, Bermas!!

You should make a video on YouTube showing DTube.

Jason, Here is an intertesting link. With a map of the school and the timeline he describes you might be able to put together an alternate movement timeline: http://abcnews.go.com/US/jrotc-enlistees-shield-classmates-teachers-florida-shooter-kevlar/story?id=53111902.

Hey man, I ran into your videos back in YouTube like 3-4 years ago. So cool that you're on this platform and it's feeding you :) appreciate the REAL NEWS you're giving us :)

Thumbs up for freedom sharing!

Upvoted! Great work Jason! Thorough research and entertaining presentation! Thanks for all you guys do.

I need DTube on my TV..

Very good video! Thanks for uploading ;)

They have carefully planned to erode gun rights for the eventual enslavement of the US. What folks need to realize: sometimes, if not most of the time, you have to save your own ass.

Love seeing Bermas back in the game.

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there we go, everything is fixed, idk wtf happened, but i couldnt vote or comment on videos, lmao. i had to logout and log back in

More than likely you ran out of bandwith, which happens to new users with under
15 steempower, during peak hours of steemit usage ( roughly between 12pm central pacific & 5pm cp).
I know because i ran into this problem as well, while your bandwith is really low your account is essentially frozen.
Luckily for me someone has delegated me enough steempower to get exactly 15, have not had the problem since, good luck on steemit!

Why do these incidents in the us always have such holes in the stories, not a indecent that is strait forward. Smelly smelly smelly.
Thanks for this documentary guys, hope you get more people on dtube soon.

Well done, guys!

That is absolutely the BEST video I have seen pulling everything together. Thank you Jason!! I will be spreading this!!!

You should make a video on Youtube showing DTube.

Thanks for your great work, guys!
I hope this works. I can't post comments from PC. Anyone have a tip how I can fix that?

Nothing wrong with asking these questions.

We now know that Petersen lied about the gunshots being outside. The tapes from the sheriffs department make it clear that he knew they were coming from inside the 1200 building and ordered a perimeter to be setup around the building while innocent kids were being gunned down. This guy is a real piece of Sh*t

I'm just going to point out the obvious. They are mocking people with the names of these characters. I don't know how anyone can miss it! That said, I applaud those who are still putting in the tedious work of pulling together the details for those who are still hitting snooze in front of the TV in hopes they might kick them outta bed!


Jason this is great, very proud of your reporting.

Nice post thanks for sharing

Nice work. If just the transcription would have been present, it would have been even better, though.

So the kid posts "I'm going to be a professional school shooter" which is to say, a professional actor, the star role in the latest shock-horror blockbuster, ensuring that zombies across America and as far as the UK get their daily animating jolt of adrenaline. Welcome to the desert of the real.

This is the kind of coverage we can only get from independent media, and exactly what I have come to expect from We Are Change. If we could get the "journalist" from the mSM to take some lessons from you this world would be a better place; far less confusing anyway.
Excellent work. Thank You.
In Light and Love
Giant Hugs<3<3<3

The FBI script for Nicholas Cruz pays homage to the Lee Harvey Oswald script:

  • after allegedly shooting Kennedy from the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Respository, Oswald goes downstairs and drinks a coke
  • after allegedly shooting up Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Cruz goes to a local Subway, and buys a drink
  • Immediately that the Dealey Plaza shooting is done, the already-dead Kennedy is taken to Parkland Memorial Hospital (Dallas)
  • Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is in Parkland (Florida)

The wider script is loaded with symbolism:

  • it's a pastiche on the Valentine's Day Massacre (FBI are the mob) note that the wooden actor who plays the 'first student to identify Cruz' says that Cruz took the rifle out of a case that "kind of looked like a guitar case" (referencing a caricature of mobsters, or maybe it's just Bugsy Malone...)
  • In the original Valentine's Day Massacre (14 Feb 1929) there were multiple gunmen, two of the gunmen were dressed as police officers (and we know from multiple eyewitnesses that there were multiple gunmen at Majory Stoneman, how did they disappear with so many police around?)
  • it happens on Sheriff Israel's patch
  • Sheriff Israel states that the shooting commenced at 2:21:33 (2:21pm and 33 seconds )

That's a 22 and a 33

Roger and Out.

Awesome video. Thanks for sharing. There is still so much more about this that is unknown than what is known. Almost nothing in the 'official' narrative makes sense or fits with reports from those who were there. I may be posting on this latter in the week myself. So happy that the Florida AG is looking into this now.

Awesome!! Fight the good fight! Never give up!!

That made me cry. I didn't even feel it coming..

This channel is absurd rubbish, controlled opposition, just as the Alex Jones Channel is.. The Smith Muindt Revision of of 2012 makes MSM theatrically faked news reports of terror events legal. No need for real killing and real loved ones looking for answers. The evidewnce of this is overwhelming. See Saner Progressive on Bitchute for a sample.

Now MSM is backed up by controlled opposition in social media, muddying the water, pretending the events, though partially faked, are also partially real, with real terrorists, Muslim, white racists or teens involved. This is proven false by an avalanch of evidence never shown in these controlled opposition presentations.

The only real terrorists are the deep state actors creating these faked MSM news events -- and backing them up with propaganda and censorshiop in alt media .

This channel is absurd rubbish, controlled opposition, just as the Alex Jones Channel is.. The Smith Muindt Revision of of 2012 makes MSM theatrically faked news reports of terror events legal. No need for real killing and real loved ones looking for answers. The evidewnce of this is overwhelming. See Saner Progressive on Bitchute for a sample.

Now MSM is backed up by controlled opposition in social media, muddying the water, pretending the events, though partially faked, are also partially real, with real terrorists, Muslim, white racists or teens involved. This is proven false by an avalanch of evidence never shown in these controlled opposition presentations.

The only real terrorists are the deep state actors creating these faked MSM news events -- and backing them up with propaganda and censorshiop in alt media .

This channel is absurd rubbish, controlled opposition, just as the Alex Jones Channel is.. The Smith Mundt Revision Act of of 2012 makes MSM theatrically faked news reports of terror events legal. No need for real killing and real loved ones looking for answers. The evidence of this is overwhelming. See Sane Progressive on Bitchute for a sample.

Now MSM is backed up by controlled opposition in social media, muddying the water, pretending the events, though partially faked, are also partially real, with real terrorists, Muslim, white racists or teens involved. This is proven false by an avalanch of evidence never shown in these controlled opposition presentations.

The only real terrorists are the deep state actors creating these faked MSM news events -- and backing them up with propaganda and censorship in alt media .

Thumbs down for "sane" progressive plug. The progressive movement is more social engineering by the Tavistock Institute and their globalist friends. Progress towards what? Progs never ask themselves that question. Progress towards what goals? Luke was exposing the rothschild family before you were born, but he has sold out which is unfortunate.

Sane Progressive is just the name of a channel. As I recall, she renounced the reason for the name but too late to change it. She put out a lot of great Truther content -- much of it exposing hoaxed false flags -- then ultimately sadly and mysteriously closed down all her channels.

The financial pyramid scheme is collapsing and they are running out of time . They need to take our guns so they can avoid being arrested or prosecuted for HIGH TREASON .

test comment

Mind control hypnosis techniques plus SSRI drugs plus FBI "handlers" and Military "intelligence" stooges, plus Freemason cops = Psychological Operations aka "Psyops". Hegelian dialect. Problem - Reaction - Solution. Government creates a problem, the public reacts, the government provide their "solution" to the problem they created. All as a means of controlling the public.

Biggest waste of 30 minutes ever.