Working as a 19 year old part time Daytrader / Investor

in #life8 years ago

I wanted to share with you guys the biggest pet peeve about being a part time day trader/ investor (I usually stick to the term day-trader).

Some background, I am 19, studying in business marketing and I day trade instead of working a part time job. Yes it is hard trading during school hours but you got to do whatever even if that means sitting in the back corner of the class with my laptop staring a graphs on the generally lousy school internet. WHATEVER IT TAKES...Also I am not a multi billionaire...yet...hopefully soon...but it still beats working part time at McDonalds.

Being a part time day trader consists of me sitting in my room in front of my monitor analyzing movement. From an outsiders poing of view, I am just sitting there doing nothing which leads me to my point.

NOBODY takes a 19 year old day-trader serious. When relatives or friends talk of me, I am considered unemployed. People expect me to take time off when the market is open to do random non-profitable stuff.

Would you ask someone to take a day of from work to go buy pants? NO

Then why are people asking me...

Had I been doing what I am doing now but with a university degree in commerce or something related to the topic, I wouldn't be bothered.

Just wanted to point out the reality of being a day-trader especially young

Expect people questioning your sanity then minutes later acting as if you have all kinds of money to blow and can take 4 days off out of 5.

This picture sums up how I feel
Have a good day everyone and make lots of money!


Very cool, its awesome you're getting started at a young age, people should be encouraging you. I opened an investment account when I was 19... and only just started using it this year at 24. Good for you!

awesome man, definitely not enough young investors....the good thing is at a young age expenses are extremely low amplifying the profit and amount that will be available to trade with in the future...good luck with your trading, get that money!