I very good post, ma'am
The one thing I think worth pointing out though is that 'terrorism', as you illustrated it, is wrong (Imo).
The 'terrorists' are nothing more than a product of big government, of corporations, and centralization.
(from CIA funded mujahadeen, to isis)
I.e.- they are nothing to do with decentralization...They are, if anything, a tool used by the 'centralist' governments to sow chaos, in order to achieve further control.
....just sayin'....ma'am
I agree that the centralists fertilized the soil and sowed the seed of terrorism (and are continuing to do so). But I'm not so much saying that the terrorists themselves are part of decentralization--but that the warfare tactics are. Granted, the U.S. and other governments are using these threats to their advantage, but I think soon it will spiral out of their control, if it hasn't already.
Thank you for the comment, sir.
I respectfully disagree, ma'am.
(from a military history perspective - I know a little of).
Any fighting force needs money - and lots of it.
Washington's army in the war of independence is an exception. (but desertion was still crippling, due to lack of wages).
Lenin's revolution and ultimate success - was only made possible by being funded with gold from the western banks.
No money, no fighting force. It really is that simple.
If all government funding (from whatever side) stopped tomorrow. ...All the wars would be finished within 3 months.
I cannot think of a 'war' in the last 2000 years that wasn't funded by a rich donor - normally central governments, directly or indirectly.
'Fighting for principles' only come after a full stomach and bullets supplied for your gun..
When you have no rice to eat, you will fight for a bowl of it.
Someone is still providing the rice...
....so- that being the case (if I'm correct), that makes all the 'spiraling out of control', very much in their control - and just giving the appearance of something different...
...thanks for the reply, ma'am.