....Mr. Dim, and cognitive dissonance...My weekly 'swim in the swamp'...It's all fun!

in #life3 years ago (edited)


This is my weekly post onto Hive.
I hate adding anything to the hive ecosystem .
(and I don't see that perspective changing much, tbh).

I'm doing it for the profit.
My blog post followers (paid subscriptions) on web 2.0 , still want to hear about it.
By posting the minimum of once per week - it allows for my story to continue re: the down voting debacle that the hive cabal both encourages and supports (through it's very observable actions).
...This also allows for great ongoing selling points in regards to Blurt!
It's a 'win win' for my fellow Blurters!
(and my brand new huggy friend @practicalthought has no need to be suspicious! lol).

When I stop profiting from Hive, I'll stop posting on hive.

Why ?
Hive governance is old fashioned in it's mentality - one that might try and 'peacock' web3.0, and 'join the revolution' - but it's non of the above.
Downvoting ensures total control by the large accounts.

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...my version of the recent 'hive marketing'...and much more honest.

The hive governance model is a corrupt system.
One that's based on nepotism, fear, and the overwhelming need to control others.

It's authoritarianism trying (poorly) to dress itself up as something else altogether.

More and more people are seeing hive for what it is ( from outside of the ecosystem).

As the cultural zeitgeist shifts - as it undoubtedly is - the people who support this kind of authoritarian structure will increasingly find themselves marginalized.
And people will not forget .
Ignorance will be no defense - and the internet doesn't forget.

Do you support authoritarianism ?

There is very little grey area.

...Good luck in trying to argue supporting authoritarianism - once the cultural wave has washed away the current 'powers that be' ( and they will).
The supporters of authoritarianism will be judged very harshly going forwards into the new paradigm.
As they should be .
They are 'the toxic brakes of humanity' holding everyone back.

The multitudes of people who have been suffering under the authoritarianism jackboot will be the the future judges - and jury's - of those that supported the old fashioned paradigms - so pick your side very wisely.
Think long.

While 'the Hive revolution' is simply an attempt to reintroduce feudalism as a governance structure, there come a time , at some point, that any thinking person must ask themselves whether hive is actually a revolution at all - or just a reinstitution of a 700 years old authoritarian structure for a minority to control others, and to get rich off.

Hardly 'revolutionary'.....now is it?


Lets have a laugh , shall we?

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Breaking news !

...Reports are coming in, of a Hive account suddenly realizing that his principles and visions of a 'decentralized web 3.0' were being used against him to support something that he fundamentally disagrees with!

The centralization of power.

...Mr Dim was due to give a presentation on MSM networks to show people how the Hive governance system with down voting works, and was in no way despotic or totalitarian in it's structure.
And in no way gave people with technocratic or communist ambitions a route to finally feeling like 'a big man'.

He decided to show through illustrations, the massive difference between Hive's structures, and the old fashioned governance models...

This was the moment when Mr. Dim faced his cognitive dissonance.

....He was trying to explain how Hive DPoS with downvoting , was not digital feudalism, and that it did not have exactly the same pyramid structures of power that mirrored the governance systems that were used 700 years ago to control it's populations...

Mr. Dim's IQ score was much higher than the 'collective average' of 26.8 (some say say as high as 109)....this meant that, inevitably, that his brain started to connect the dots....

*It's believed that he is now powering down his account, and has moved to Blurt, saying "Why the fuck didn't I see this before ?, I feel like I've been cheated..."

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...Centralization and collectivism...

Collectivists are notoriously full of self loathing and, on average, have penises 45.68% smaller than the rest of us (including females).

They also hate the world.
They feel deep pain and resentment for the world not protecting them when they were young - and thus, they now wish to project their inner hatred and self loathing onto the rest of us (through control and bullying).

This hatred is often disguised with a forced smile - They're often reminiscent of the cadavers 'rictus smile' rather than one of a genuine alive, human being.
For these poor individuals 'power over others' acts as a kind of mental viagra ( bless).

Ironically, the remedy to this spiritually vacuous existence is staring right at them - in front of their very eyes - but their hatred of the world prevents them from ever being able to see the answer.

Instead, they use deception, lies, and subterfuge to realize their power hungry ambitions in attempt to fill this spiritual void.
Such as insisting that 2+2 CAN equal 5....(if only they can find that hidden secret to be able force it to be true...).

Sadly for the authoritarian loving collectivist - they think that everything is not connected... (no really , I'm not joking - they think it's not).

The collectivist , for example - cannot equate ill gotten gains and the total lack of respect they see in their partners eyes.
The collectivist does not connect the dots between the growing contempt that they see in their children's faces, and their activity of suppression and hate towards those that are not cowards.
The collectivist does not equate 'being a bit clever' with poor sleep, poor health, poor diet, and increasingly larger waist lines. (again, I'm not joking - they really don't).

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More breaking news !...

The Hive collectivists - who've chosen not to see reality - have put out a press release, calling Mr. Dim, 'racist, sexist , homophobic, and a bigot ' - and they know this to be true because they're really clever.

*Sadly for the collectivists, Mr. Reality does not give one single flying fuck about Mr. delusion.

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This means that those who are aware of the Hive structure (but are too cowardly to accept what it really is, and who do not understand the way that the universe works) may think that they've accrued masses of 'power', but fail to understand how they're so continually unlucky in life.

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Mr. Reality has a universal cosmic power rating over delusion, of 234,000,000 : 1

But collectivists can manage to add up 2+2 , and make 5.

This would go some way as to illustrate why they simply can't comprehend the above ratio's of 'reality over delusion' .

This would also go some way towards explaining why they go on to choose a delusional existence - truly thinking that they're 'backing the right horse' in life.

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....In an attempt to pull Mr Dim back into the hive cabal, they said to him 'Why don't you do another presentation to explain how decentralized we are - because not one single account has more than a 3% stake ? '

Mr Dim's second cognitive dissonance attack - all in one day.

Important philosophical points:
The collectivist have zero sense of humor.
(with the exception of finding a sick pleasure in other peoples unhappiness).
They do however, put on a show of pretending to have one.
(It's a little like the 'cavader rictus smile').

Satire is an abstract concept to those lacking any real sense of humor.

(see @lucylin's hive account being nuked for the last 9 months via down voting as case in point).

Genuine laughter is absent in a spiritual vacuum - which happens to be the authoritarian, collectivist, mindset.
Actions show quite clearly those who are spiritually empty.
Actions are reality.

If your daily actions don't give you laughter, joy and freedom - you're doing it all wrong !

Forgoing the happiness of today for some mythical non existent future utopia, guarantees an unhappy , dull, and serious set of memories when you look back at your life existence...Sort it out , ffs ! ... no one can do it for you.
If you can't ask yourself:
'How clever is it to not be happy, joyful, and loving freedom ?' ...without coming to the inevitable conclusion that it's utterly and totally stupid - ...then maybe.... just maybe...

...you've been asking yourself entirely the wrong fucking questions - for far too long...

....I can help fix this for you.... But only if you have the courage...

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https://blurt.blog/@lucylin https://blurt.blog/@lucyreloaded


I do not see why you get picked on. You are entirely reasonable and even handed.

