Caturday: When A Venue Sux

in #life7 years ago


It was supposed to be a great venue!

Blues and brews! What could go wrong??

I mean, I have a brand new pretty red canopy!!!

But see that?!?




That would be new, fresh holes in my brand new pretty red canopy!

And if that weren't enough......

the damn wind decide to blow today, and it literally blew my canopy away earlier with me running after it!!!!!!!!

Fortunately some members of the local rotary, which are sponsors of this event, also came running and despite the fact that we literally had *to lean into the wind to bring it back to the proper location AND hold it down, while the brought spikes over to hook it to the ground.


(IOW, #ophumanangels ty!)

I've sold a few things, but I need to sell lots more to finish making rent.

There was another jewelry vendor but she left. She couldn't handle the wind.

I don't give up that easily!

People were nice enough to run after my canopy, help bring it back and then, tied it down to the ground with stakes.

The least I could is stick it out. They are!

I guess this is the first year of this event. It's a fundraiser to help build an ampitheatre in the park we're in. So hopefully at future events, there'll be a real stage here.

First year of a big fundraising event is always rough. There's always that learning curb to conquer.

Well the music's decent!

The vendors weren't charged a fee. Nice!
I figure sticking around might pay off next year too, if they do this event again.

Crap! There goes my ring display!

Off to rescue it!

Rock on! Meow!


What i do is also carry hollow blocks to tie them to rope and the tent or sand bags on the legs. Years of crafting has got me the ins and outs of tents haha. And for your table cloth tie them to the legs of your tables

Yeah...I'm still learning. The problem is with my disabilities, one of em degenerative disc disease, I can't lift much or bend much. Having stakes and pounding those in is something I probably can do. My friend Kris is a florist who's done ALOT of outdoor events and she is reigning queen of the stuff! We did an event together last summer and she had that canopy tied down so well we made it through bad rain, high wind....all sorts of challenging weather!

I haven't done a show in a couple years. The market for that sort of thing has dwindled around here, I think. But I do attend shoes and events just to get a feel for how many people are attending and buying. When the market hearts back up I'll be participating again!

They are just so much work! I do another next Saturday. It's inside though.

Wow, Just re-read my last comment... Typos much? 😄

Hope your next show makes up for this one!🍀 phone is constantly correcting what doesn't need correcting! No worries. Yes! I hope so too!! Ty