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RE: The Meat industry Part 1: The environmental destruction.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

This is a wonderful post.

I'm an Engineer and I believe that exorbitant water consumption is possibly the most significant problem induced by excessive stockraising for commercial purposes in combination with the dramatic increase of human population within the last 50 years. All points you raised are precise, I just wanted to emphasize on this one as it belongs in my area of expertise. We have to do something about this.

Please keep up the quality work and thanks for the information.


Hey, thanks for the kind words! I am glad to hear that you agree with the general information, it can be hard to access its value some times :)

Yeah we really need to think about how we use the water, it is clear that the same humans that drink bottled water or tap water like it´s nothing also consume meat without a second thought. It is time to spread the news, that water is a both scarce and precious resource, that many can´t even get in amounts of 1-2 liters a day, to enable the daily survival : /

What do you think about beef tax ? I feel it must be done, or at least something to make it more economical favorable to decrease beef consumption at least, since nothing else seem to work ^^


It is certain that wars will be fought over access to fresh drinkable water within the next century unless something changes drastically.

Beef tax is something I had never heard of up until now, sounds like a good idea but I personally believe it won't be effective. Call me a pessimist but I don't atually believe anything will ever change unless we the people start taking full responsibility of our actions and realize that the future generations depend on us. We have to stop killing animals anyway, or else we will undoubtedly destroy the natural environment.

Same goes for the dramatic increase in population. I'm too pessimistic about this as well. We're like a virus spreading on the planet's body, contaminating everything and killing the planet off. I don't see how things could ever change without the occurence of major catastrophic events. This is the point of no return.

I agree, it seem impossible to force humans to do anything, so a change of perspective must come first. I don´t think 7 billions or 10 is a problem we could easily feed 10 billion, if we ate like the standard citizen of India. That would also save a lot of water, but again something must wake humanity up.

There might be no other way, only seeing first hand the consequences of our actions will be enough, but those consequences won´t come knocking on the door prior to a catastrophe, since it is as you say, the consequences will be catastrophical : /

I will stay optimistic, and do my best to inform fellow humans, of the time bomb we have set in motion, and hope that it won´t have to go boom :) Let´s go 10 billion humans in peace and prosperity :))

The war purse of America / EU / China, could clean water to humanity by it self. Bad focus here, and yes, we sadly acts as viruses atm