This post made me recall the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations wherein they are doing every way possible in order to solve those issues humans are suffering for decades now.
Their target is to make a change for everyone and live a better life in the year 2030.
If we noticed the first four goals refers to poverty, hunger, good health and well-being and lack of education.

I believe one of the major reasons why people remains poor is the lack of education. When we are educated we can always find good paying job that could address the financial needs of the family.
I may not experience a one day meal in my lifetime but my family did experienced having difficulty in buying for food because there was no more money.
I remember when we get the chance to loan a 1 sack of rice, my parents used to divide it to the rest of their married children and those people who are dependent to them.
That is why I appreciate them for having a big heart, that even in hardships they still think of the welfare other people.
Another, I considered funny thing that I could think in order to eradicate poverty is for the rich to share part of their wealth to the least of their brothers and sisters.
They may be outdone certainly in number by those people who are in poverty line but if all of them will share, perhaps such action could at least curtail the percentage of those who are suffering and dying of hunger by a considerable number.