Caturday & What The Heck Has Been Up With Me

in #life7 years ago


This is what my Saturday morning usually looks like.

I'll sleep in for as long as I can, but I am usually awoken by the loud rumbling purrs of Bumblebee.

By the time I have opened my eyes, he has usually contorted himself into some silly position. If I'm lucky I can grab a quick pic before he realizes I am awake enough to feed him.

We then go downstairs and get our food. For him mariner's catch patè and for me coffee and toast. It's imperative we do not mix the two up

I then get ready for dialysis, he prepares himself for an 8 hour nap by grooming himself until his eyes close mid-lick.

Just a sidenote. I haven't been around here much. The truth is I haven't been feeling too hot lately. I've been having some blood pressure issues, as in my blood pressure has been way too low.
It seems to have sorted itself out now (I hope), but I want to express my gratitude to those who have reached out to me. You are awesome

Ok. Enough of that.


Aww I love the name of your kitty lol...bumblebee suits him just fine! I'm so sorry you haven't been feeling well and am glad it's sorting itself out. Also glad to know you have Bumblebee there the cuddle with when you feel low. It's really good to hear from you!

Bumblebee looks like he is totally relaxed and content with his cat world!

Happy Caturday!

What an APT name for a loud purring cat! Lol.
"It's imperative we do not mix the two up"
^ that made me laugh.
In al seriousness though, i hope you feel better soon

I hope that you are okay, God bless you.Hi @lizzyib why you are not posting?