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RE: The Terrible Curse of the Once a Year Post - 2023 in Red's Review

in #life5 months ago

Here's a thought...and strike me down for being Hive's Judas here, but what about what Crim needs? Put it this way: Who DOESN'T need Crim? Everyone here is always going to need you. You are very literally the incarnate representation of Dagny Taggart, able to think and do so much.

This puts you in the paradoxically (and equal parts) fortunate and very unfortunate (and also extremely rare) quantum superposition of being needed everywhere all at once. Most people may not see it, but you are one of the unlucky few who really do have the ability to do all things, really really well, and also to enjoy them, no less! And if I were to wager, likely riddled with an unseen "survivor's guilt" of sorts about it. Which makes matters even worse! It is a blessing and a curse, as I see it. The rest of us morons are lucky to be gifted at one or two things. And to enjoy them and share them enough for a few to appreciate. At best.

I always say, just because you CAN, doesn't mean you MUST.

I wonder just a little bit...what would happen if you DID take a little intentional lunch recess to go where your heart lead? What if Hive and everything else could wait. I would never dare suggest in PUBLIC (such as a comment thread like this one), that you leave the place.

Merely suggesting, especially with the health reboot and all, maybe one could experiment with the idea of being less obligatory about a thing, and more "Dr.'s orders" about things. And Doctor says, maybe it's ok to just relax and enjoy life a little. You owe nobody nuthin. Kinetic energy or no.

A good hard rock and roll, a decent beer, and a few blogs never hurt anybody.

Just my three cents. Cuz I think it's worth slightly more than two.