I’m confusing people? I was being sarcastic. My idea of big words isn’t very big, just words that take more energy to articulate. I’m lazy. I say this often because it’s true. An extra syllable is one too many for me to say.
As for not getting the joke. I’m not talking about the subject or the patrol border vagina search thing. I’m talking about the imagery. I thought they had more meaning than I could be bothered gleaning. I’m actually simple minded, I see bright colors and I get distracted and lose interest in the words. It’s one of the problems I have with your blog posts. I actually lose interest in what you write often because I’m distracted by the kaleidoscope of colors. I prefer to look at the art. ;)
You're not confusing people, I'm confusing people, I think. Now I'm confused. Oh well.
And that's all good. There's a little bit of something for everyone here I guess. Some people like the art, some don't, that's life. Some days I'll do a short and sweet post; and people give me shit because spending six hours working on the art wasn't good enough for them LOL!
Well, let me make this clear for you. I visit you because I’m interested in your art. The words are an accompaniment to the experience. They will always come second to the imagery for me. But this is the same for any artists I care to visit on Steemit. I want the art to stop me, and the words to hold me in my place enough to enjoy the art. But that’s me.
Posting is hard work isn’t it? My comic took me most of the day, say about 8-10 hours on and off throughout the day. But I know it’s not valued like other art pieces, it’d be considered cutesy and shallow, unworthy of being considered art. At least your work is considered ‘art’, there’s that! What I do is a ‘joke’. So yeah, that’s ‘life’.
The emo-bot has just detected dangerously high levels of emo on this post.

Time for an appearance from enlightened-emo-boy!
If you would like this bot to follow your posts, then you are out of luck. It only exists for @linnyplant. You wouldn't get it.
It is hard work. Majority of my posts take hours upon hours to complete. I've burned myself out several times. Then trying to be in the 'on' mode all the time with humor is next to impossible, but then I'll just go dark, write a story maybe, or just focus on the art and ramble on about life.
Those comics are valued, they do have their place. I know I personally respect them. I mean, what would a good newspaper be without the funny pages? Incomplete, that's what. This place needs more of that but I know how much time it takes to produce. Those overvalued memes from back in the day a few months ago scared a lot of the artists away. Eventually though, this place will find it's way and some people will go straight for the funny pages, much like they do with a newspaper.