Friendship: The greatest gift.

in #life7 years ago


The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it. - Hubert H. Humphrey

Have you received your own greatest gift (Friendship)?? Over the past few weeks, one quote that has continued to flaunt itself at my face at every point is one by Thomas Aquinas that expressively says that "There's nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship".

How then do we get true friendship? It's by extending a loving hand of fellowship. There's no other way about it. You need to connect with others, start from those around you. Pick that phone, call that person that has been trying to reach out to you. Laugh, joke and share ideas. Stop keeping it all to yourself.

You're a blessing and a motivation to others. When others reach out to you, don't shut them out. Always keep an open neutral mind. Don't judge others, be honest, be different and be careful.


In life, there are moments... And yesterday was one of those moments. For me, I'm just that serious guy who act as official as possible when talking to someone new, others may term it stranger but I hardly do.

In truth, I've broken the official code with a few people, talk more and all but this was different, I found someone. A completely amazing individual with my level of wit and bants. I make dry jokes alot, but she understands.

It is funny isn't it? Could it be that hard to find, someone who just had similar thought as yours. In a world of about 7 billion people, what are the odds? Must be high I think. It is high in truth but can also be scarce too.

Maybe a higher concentration at other ends of life or you just don't find that one person who's ready to break the chain. I mean someone who just wants to peep, to see who you truly are. I've had alot of them around but I just found a new one.

So I have had several chats with this lady in the past, but it was all official like she asks me a question and I respond with an answer or she provides me with information and all. So yesterday, we broke the chain. A peep into how we do things and I can tell she has a unique personality.

Lovely, kind and confident in words... That's simply the trademark of positive people. She's is amazing and wonderful.

I ask what shall I call you? She says Marilyn. OMG! A sweet name.

Okay, I'm keeping this exclusive. Not spilling more information. 😁

When you read this, I'm sure you'll be blushing or grinning. Don't do it, please. 😂😂


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A new, interesting person in your life....hmmmm. you will have to let us know how the friendship grows.

I know I've mentioned one of my best friends is a completely opposite of me. Had we not broken the chain and judged only by what we knew about each other, we probably would have gone our separate ways. A loss I would have never realized. Instead, I have a life long friend.

She's amazing. We just flow.

I'm glad you're sharing with me again a part of how you were able to work things out with your friend. Sounds encouraging.