the psychiatrists have brought the situation to the failed state that currently exists. i, personally, wouldn't continue to trust failure.
if his son is suffering from the same then it is more important to solve this, or lose them both.
i have found that fear and anger feed these situations, but cannot be sustained once the underlying dietary imbalances are resolved. i solved all of my addictions through diet, and removing external environmental factors, such as, specifically, mold exposure. once i became healthy, all of my cravings just faded away. my former behaviors seem alien to me now, as if they happened to someone else. it is amazing to have my brain back.
this is true of all but physiological damage, as far as i can tell, but i have seen progress with diet in resolving even TBI.
i believe the meds are dangerous. if he is on SSRIs, then i have little more to say, as i believe these are designed to be addictive and dangerous to get off.
i wish you well, good luck with whatever you decide.
We really have tried everything we can. He eats well and healthy, my mother law was a caterer and always made sure he ate lots of fruit and veggies, along with dietary supplement drinks and natural yogurts. They have trief natural ways also but one of the largest issues is that you can't monitor him when he is left alone when everyone else is at work. When he left to his own wits he undoes everything we have all been trying so hard to help him with. This tells me he is unable to make the proper decisions to take care of himself. We can't quit our jobs to care full time for him so it really is a catch 22. This is what he neede, 24/7 care. My mother in law woke up a couple months ago, he was sitting ontop of her covering her face with his hands. She pulled his hands away forcefully and asked why he was doing this to he. His response was "why, can't you breathe?". He has become so unstable that she now fears for her own life. I can't make any decisions about how to handle this situation, but I can make recommendations and will ask her about taking him to a naturepath to see what they recommend. Thank you for your feedback.
diet is the key. if what is being done is not working then it is not healthy. the fact itself demonstrates this. i thought i was eating healthy food, right up until i got double cancer. if the data disagrees with the theory, the theory is wrong. i don't want you to think i am just berating you, but if the actions taken do not work, they must be changed to find success. if i can help let me know.
I understand what you are saying but how do you control what someone eats without buckling them down and force feeding them? You can't make someone eat or do anything they are not willing to do and this is the problem. He is on the loose, not living in one place, sometimes his car, how do you tell him what to eat during this time? There is an APB out for him now cause he got into a fist fight with his son over an hour ago, got into his car, ran the car into his sons house and then over the neighbors lawns and took off. How do you control what someone eats when this is what we are dealing with?