How difficult is it to educate oneself on the horrors that communism
brought about? This is not ancient history. There are some people who
were there, and some who are still there.
Our current cultural path is leading us to repeat history, but this time it
will be bigger and bloodier.
An incendiary discussion at Ryerson U
I agree with you lifeworship 100%
Communism was a reactionary force, and yes it had its, lets says, horrors, but look at neoliberalism, marx acctually predicted it will eat itself and the planet alive.
I lived in a communistic Country in the 80s, i can tell you it was not that horrible at that particular time. i think we have to break out of ideoligies completly to be able to build a decent future.
Neoliberalism, as defined, does not exist. It is much the same with communism. An authoritarian control, whether it be private, or government, must be employed to make either work. Both are broken, laboring under delusion, but communism is far and away the leader in killing. Hitler's whole death machine was dwarfed by the planet sized storm of bloodletting that is communism. It always starts out great, after the resistors are dead. There are occasional pockets of tranquility. #onlymostcommunists are abject slaves or mass murdering tyrants.
To put things in perspective, it does not start out great, russia and china are examples, it was reactionary to dictatorial or foreign rule, in other conflicts it was not communism alone that perpetrated the deaths, most civil wars were fuled by outside forces. If you want to pin the bloodshed of the 20th century on someone, how about the Elites which profited on every single death. on everything else im with you. :D
Communism is but one of the more destructive tools used by the people who seek to manipulate everything to their benefit. I don't think we disagree. It seems a minor variation in viewpoint. Religion and ideology are continuously used by the power players to manipulate us all.
Imagine communism aplied not by Mao or Stalin but by Ghandi or MLK, could become something waaaay better, it is the first bottom-up Idea, ultimately corrupted and made into top-down system. but the Idea itself had collectivism at the core, and thats what we ultimately have in the decentralization movement,
okay lets agree on Ideologies suck, and they are just a framework for rule.
i completely support thatm i just want to say that initial ideas are often better than their implementations, exept blockchain.
We shall see. I have my doubts about the blockchain, or at least it's eventual manipulation by the powerful.
Thank you for introducing me to Dr. Jordan B. Peterson.
I just listened (mostly) to this entire lecture while working on a project...
This fellow is fascinating and brilliant, full of incredible insights. He's put his finger precisely on one set of irredeemably flawed ideas. The concept of "equality" that is presently in vogue, a set of ideas that is potentially phenomenally destructive.
What he still seems to be missing, however, is that these ideas are wielded and given power by the underlying and overarching flawed idea shared by the vast majority of sheeple. Namely, that the world needs a ruling class with the moral right to impose such nonsense on everyone at the point of a gun.
God help us all.
He's got it mostly correct. Not everyone can withstand the weight of responsibility that comes with true liberty. 'Ever vigilant' is an easy thing to say, but in practice, it is exhausting, especially when living in the world of the pod people.
Yuri Bezmenov is better at conveying the gravity of the situation, but it's terrifying to listen to him for any length of time, and then compare his claims with the progression of events in the real world. Jordan Peterson is more entertaining while imparting a large piece of the truth. It's even entertaining to listen while he discusses 'Gulag Archipelago'. For books described as a 2000 page scream, that is an accomplishment.