Truth number 1, nobody is real in this world except Mother,
Truth number 2 , a poor person has no friend,
Truth number 3, people does not like good thought but they like good looks ,
Truth number 4, people respect the money not the person,
Truth number 5, the person you love the move will hurt you most !
Truth number 6, truth is simple ,But the moment you try to EXPLAIN it, it Become Difficult .
Truth number 7 ,when you are happy you enjoy the music, "but when you're sad you enjoy the lyrics”.
Truth number 8 in LIFE Two things define you “YOUR PATIENCE” when you have nothing & “YOUR ATTITUDE” when you have everything .
Beautiful, I loved it. How great your writing style is! And all you say is really interesting. I like when someone uncovers an evident truth that no one talks about! Really cool. Keep at it!
Thanks @thecrazydreamer