You are what your friends are

in #life8 years ago (edited)

You are what your friends are.

Let’s be honest here. I firmly believe that the energy you give out, yet get back in life. It’s karma in a sense, but I don’t believe in this invisible force.

Only that if you give out trust, openness, honesty and much happiness to others, then likeminded people will gravitate towards you.

Your life force is like an energy. If you surround yourself in that energy people that enjoy basking in that type of energy will gravitate towards it.

That’s why I meet a ton of supremely open and trustworthy people.

I absolutely repel narcissists. I used to be a magnet for them, but I know their deadly secret. I know what they don’t want anyone else to know.


A narcissist will never be able to apologise, or accept their mistakes. Anything less and they see it as a competition for top dog. But a narcissist will be able to point out the mistakes of everyone they meet.

I don’t like people that don’t let me venture into their depths.

And they hate me.

So everything’s good.

So the same can be said if you’re negative. I know I keep saying it, but if you’re a negative person you’ll meet other people that will want to bask in that energy too.

I used to be an overtly negative person.

My friends would laugh at my achievements, make me feel as if I wasn’t worth much, or put me down in front of other people. They were no friends at all.

They were nice to me in private though. Because there’s no competition

They may appear to be a friend, but that’s just for show. Truth be told they like looking better than you.

But the hard truth is:

You are beautiful.

There is amazing in there, somewhere.

I know because I see it in my comments, some quite defiantly say,

“There’s no beautiful in me I think I never had it” or something similar,

Yet perhaps you haven’t met the right people yet to yank that the fuck out there for the world to see. Absolutely everyone has some sparkly awesome in them.

I swear I haven’t met a single person yet with no awesome that could be taken and sharpened to a fine point.

When my awesome started to surface every now and again I began to enjoy it. And it came to a point that I was mentally requesting my awesome daily to come out and play.

Until one day, it moved in with me.

And this can be you too.

It all starts with you my friend.

Start by leaving a nice message somewhere.

You guys are beautiful,

Thank you


I Prefer To
Go Where You Are Celebrated Not Tolerated!!
Lots Of Real Genuine People Here
Cool Post !

likeminded people will gravitate towards you

Absolutely. In all aspects of life. From hobbies & professions, to habits and ideology.

So very true. A few years ago I got rid of all of my friends and started a new. Some still were my friends afterwards. But many were not.
Stay awesome!

Actually. You sound like my life over the last 10 years lol

I believe it. I did it in like one year. Then I got Meningitis. So I refined the small list of friends and family even further. lol

Oh wow! My Nephew had that as a newborn. Horrific it was - very scary. Glad you got passed it. I expect that was a very, very redefining life experience for you!

Yeah. I was born two months premature too. Was staying with a friend at the time. She became very scared for me. Yes very, very redefining life experience indeed!

Good message. I see you now also now have some "followed" subscriptions. Good to see you getting more involved in other people's work. You're account seemed superficial and fake otherwise.


No, no fake here. I just didn't understand the way the following system worked! I have it clicked now :) - I follow who I like and frequent their work!

we have a saying: tell me who is your friend, and I'll tell you who you are.

Thanks :)

We'll leave a nice message for you right here--THANK YOU! Haters gonna hate, but it's way more enjoyable to be around conscious, thoughtful, respectful people. We appreciate the Steemit community for bringing some class up here to social media, and it's why we're spending a lot of time investing in its success! We want to be surrounded with individuals who want to better the world and spend their time helping each other out. This is an uplifting post, and we're grateful you shared it @lifeisawesome!! We're offering another reminder that challenges make us stronger.

So true. Thank you for your comment!

You are the sum total of all of your actions... including choosing your friends :)

Yup! And friends relate to you on some level :)

As Barney would say from How I met your mother.... "I'm awesome, now lets make you awesome too!" :)

Right on! Exactly what I want to do :)

You are beautiful... (my 3 favorite words that we can't hear enough) :)

You are!! :)

So are you! :)

Thank you - this made me really smile :) (It's moments like these that make life awesome!)

Since I can remember, the quality in my life has gravitated toward me and I to it. i appreciate your beautiful spirit. Thank you for following me.

And thank you for following me - it's nice to see all my favourite people spring up now :)

Are you saying I'm in your favourite? Awesome!

Yep. One of the many :)

This is a awesome way to look at it and I agree with you. If we give out positive energy and surround ourselves with it we will get it back.

Yes! Please do.

Step 1: Comment some awesome on a profile. Well, you've already done that - what next? :)

such a great inspiration!like it :) thank you for sharing this... perhaps u find some graffiti u like on my blog .. have a look <3 kalipo

Will have a look!

While I'm reading your post, a person occurred. He was rich and talented. He almost paid for all when he drinks with friends. One day, he was completely ruined, and his friends left. The people closest left first. After that, he really hit the bottle. He got over every difficulty now, and his life is totally different from the past.

Too true. Your true friends are there through everything. Even the times when you're sleeping under a bridge - they offer you a bed for the night

Its in your best interest to stay with people who bring out the best in you. Positivism always helps you perform better. Stay away from negativity as much as possible.

So agree there my friend :)

Nice post! I also strongly believe that the energy you give out you get back in life! Being surrounded by good, positive, caring friends makes a difference than being with negative people.

Haha. I'm sort of honoured that you follow me and comment lots - yours is definitely a blog that I read for jaw dropping aesthetics of worldly beauty. I'm such a fan of travel :)

And yes, you're right! Surrounding myself in negativity sets me off balance - it's horrible lol.

Thank you! I am glad to read this! And yes, whenever I am on steemit I like to check out your post as you are a great writer and I love your content more when it comes to positive notes, which encourage me! Thank you for that !

Really glad they do. Thank you :)

I'm awesome! You're awesome! Everybody is awesome! Life is awesome!

(Do you see what I did there?)

awesome. your first paragraph reminds me of one of my attempts to influence voting rewards. i called it wisdom, but now they have reputation.

"Here I introduce the idea of a second currency or power called wisdom. This attribute acts kind of behind the scenes and loosely represents popularity, merit or wisdom....Wisdom is like an ethereal power that spreads to and from those around you, but cannot be bought, traded or given away. Having this wisdom attribute partially removes credibility from buying power."

This is also why I've tried to befriend a professional athlete... I am what my friends are ;) Hehe

Haha! I need to befriend one too :)

Very nice read, but you forgot something very essential, and it's - WEAR SUNSCREEN!

Man!! That was freakin awesome. I really, really loved that!

Agreed Our sense of humor is One of a kind!

It is! And SO many other things!

Wow, i loved this! I follow you! =)

Thank you :)

This is true as the famous saying says that your income is the average income of the five people you hang around maximum time.. One need to be careful in choosing the company of friends..

I never like to judge by income, but the way you put it - I think you're right! lol

I'm still looking for my awesome, really think someone has pinched mine as its definitely gone missing, unless you have taken it lol

You are promoting the idea of guilt by association. That is wrong on so many levels. -fucking swear-

Ah, no - I totally see what you're saying - I'm not. I'm just saying look at your friend circle currently - that's you right now. It will change as you change, for the better hopefully :)

Open to suggestions though! I totally know I don't have all the answers lol

I have friends that are complete shit but I have known them from an early age, They are not who I am but I will be there to lend a helping hand if they need it. I know they would not do the same. It does not matter to me. I would not say they are a reflection of me, just a part of my past I grew out of. I would not be who I am today without my past.

No one has all the answers but I disagree with the idea that who you know and hang out with have any reflection on who you are. Do we look down on someone like Jesus for hanging out with a whore? (I'm not religious) No, because they are an individual and to hold others for actions they have not committed themselves is wrong.

IMO at least

Thank you for the response, sorry if I came off like an asshole.

Nah - it's fine. Everyone has an opinion and I respect that! I could tell in your writing that you were open to suggestion. I'm good at that lol.

Although what I said is for current and recent friends - most of my friends are recent because of who I am.

I completely agree with you - I have the same friends. And, yep, I still help them out too. I have friends that have stuck with me since I was 7 years old - and I for one know how hard it is to change, and if they're willing to still be there, then I'll be there too.

Most of my friends dropped away because they couldn't bear me feeling better about myself - in truth I was there to make them feel better and not much else. And, the same way why I hung around with them. Haha.

So no judging from me - My writing is to try and get people to reflect upon themselves. It's not an outward journey with me, it's an inward journey :)

Yeah I had some cancer friends at one time too. lol They were only happy when I was miserable.

I guess it is a little true. hang out with negative people negative stuff happens, positive people and positive stuff. I will have to think about it more. 8D
Thanks 4 the new perspective.

Sadly, real friends are hard to come by. Everyone seems to have their own agenda nowadays.

Exactly! you mean it . Good message :)

Reading your post is the icing on the cake of a wonderful day. Indeed, @lifeisawesome

my friends suck (most of them).

What if one has no friends?

Hi lifeisawesome,

Could you please post introduction with your photo holding paper with Steemit logo, your username and the date, please?
So we can verifiy your identity. Thank you.

here is the verification. you should ask @lakers. happy enough? :)

I don't kow why you reply for this user. I have not directed the question towards you.
Also, I don't know what you are trying to paste here. It is not a proof of identity.

@lakers could you please verify these accounts. Thanks

Anyway, this account is doing nothing wrong. whoever is writing this post is not an impostor or identity thief. They don't need to verify themselves.

Thanks! I'm not :) - I've never stated anyone I'm not or stole anyone's work. :)

You have not replied to my comment. Could you please verify your account. Also, what @lakers has to do with you?

I'd rather not mate. I mean I haven't stood up and stated that I'm anyone of popularity or credible worth. I'm just me. I talk about positivity and bettering yourself. I respect my privacy, you should too! :)

Plenty of anon bloggers on the Internet! :)

Could you please provide me the above information in private chat then, so I can verify. I will not expose your information publicly. Thank you.

It is important for us to verify you on this platform. We are trying to sieve out fake personalities.

Alos, what user @lakers has to do with you and user @honeyscribe

Your concerns were answered in, you can join and search for the usernames.

Can I also ask that you post your picture, holding steemit, and holding your driver license and passport and birth certificate and any proof of those docs signed by a 3rd party notary service.

Thank you - just so I know that I actually am talking to who you say you are.

You could be anyone. You could have went on fiverr and paid some random to run about with a logo you gave him.

If it's all the same with you I'd rather not give out my personal details so publicly, because if you read my posts they are rather sensitive, and if say my Mother was to read them, and some of the stuff I've said and used her as an example it'd crush her.

And I'm certainly not giving out any photo's to random guy with some pics on the internet. Sorry, but there are loads and loads of anonymous bloggers out there that refuse to give out their identity. I am one of them.

You'll just have to respect that.

You have not sent me any private chat message with this information. Nothing was answered in chat. Don't lie.
About my introduction. There are 2 if you go and and check my blog posts proofing ti is me. also i ahve posted many blog entries showing myself including my recent participation in the race. my idnetity is verified. Yours is not.