Relationships: Have we moved the goal posts?

in #life8 years ago

I remember being a bit of an odd bod in the earlier years of school. Because I was the only kid that didn't have a father on the scene. My parents had split up before I started school, and our family was one of the earlier single parent families.

Growing up, I knew of no-one that had suffered divorce like I had, albeit the not-so nice friends I made later in life when I got into drugs and heavy drinking. But their families were different. They didn't care, they were tossed aside as their mothers obsessed about where their next hit, smoke or drink was coming from. Families that cared stuck together. Or at least the school friends I made did, and their parents are still together today. Those are my friends of 30+ years.

And to me it seems natural, as a kid whose parents were ravaged apart by his fathers insecurity and inability to commit to one relationship, that if he were to marry a woman then that would be him "until death do us part". And it is. I married the love of my life, and no matter what happens from now until death I will always try and fix whatever it is that's broken.

I only yesterday spoke to my wife about how to better improve the way she is feeling, and she feels that I'm working too hard and not concentrating enough on family. I'm sure I can take an hour or two out of my schedule to make her feel more appreciated, no?

I'm constantly evaluating myself and the way I move through the trials of life.

Yet I see more and more, every day, relationships break up and stripped apart, never to be rekindled because of the throw-away tendencies we have as a society. There was once a time in our life that if something was broken we'd fix it, but now we can just venture out to the shiny new supermarket and purchase a brand new one.

Don't get me wrong I'm not talking about things that can't be fixed such as abuse, rape, control and all the other extremities that some relationships bring to the table, because I'd never ever condone sticking to a relationship that breeds toxicity and unhappiness.

Lack of communication is our biggest problem in society today because I see and hear things in relationships that I really shouldn't. Men and women friends of mine confiding in me things that are wrong with their partners, well, can't you tell THEM this? After all it's them that you want to change. But in all fairness to them they DO come to me for solutions on how to make them listen. But I see it everywhere. Lack of communication and trust paired with a throw away mentality.

I agree that many, many people, most importantly women won't put up with what they had to thirty years ago and more, yet rather than taking the easy option and making a beeline for the exit why not try and educate your partner. Who knows? They could eventually understand, and become a bastion for others experiencing these things.

I don't know, I just know that if I gave up right at the start when allowances had to be made and I had to start sacrificing some of the things that I enjoyed for the greater good then I wouldn't be a well-educated and extremely happy individual that I am now.

Who knows :)

What's your opinions?


I agree. The society of today feel that when to going gets tough its time to move on. What are we teaching the next generation, when you faced with challenges you give up, what a messed up society we will have if that was the case. In relationships we are two individuals, from two different backgrounds and upbringings, of cause we will bump heads and disagree that is only because we have different views, it should not be a reason to throw in the towel. Marriage is about working together in becoming one, will it be easy NO! Will it be worth it YES. You see our generation as so use to just getting things, that they feel it is owed to them and there is no reason to work hard to get it, that is why we do not appreciate and value what we have.

In relationships its about sacrificing and compromising for what benefits both sides not one side. If we can realize this we will grow a better relationship, which builds a better community, which builds a better country, which builds a better world.

Oh too true my friend :) - I feel this way too. We have some terrible times in our relationship - it's not all lovey dovey like the movies say, yet it's that sort of stuff that makes us stronger together than ever :)

Very well said. Reminds me of my post I placed up this morning.

I'll go have a read :)

Great post! I just want to add that you can't change anyone other than yourself. You are right, commuication and honesty are a great start and we will all do well to read `Nonviolent Communication' by Dr Marshall Rosenburg. Especially those in relatioships.

Yes! Agree :)

Appreciate your article @lifeisawesome. Relationships should never be taken for granted. It requires nurturing and some effort because it is constantly bombarded by life's challenges. Like two boats together on the centre of the lake; undercurrents cause them to slowly drift apart. But it takes a little bit of paddling to stay together.

Also, for me, God and purpose must be at the centre of the marriage relationship.

Thank you also @thepurposeman for your relevant input to preserve relationships.

That's a lovely way to explain it. I certainly like the undercurrents explanation :)

Communication is a key essential to successful relationships of any kind. The more intimate or important the more essential.
Thanks for sharing such importance~*~

Definitely - communication is essentially the rope that binds us together. If we have no communication then trust falters and then all hell breaks loose :)

Not to mention how much time is wasted from misunderstandings, assumptions and all the intimacy that comes with real sharing!

Yes!!! So true :)

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Yep, if you meet the love of your life then to work on relationship is worth your while. What if you didn’t? What if most people don’t. Let’s listen to Chris Rock
“Cuz you ain’t her first choice. You even seen woman looking at you and not saying nothing? In her mind, she’s saying ‘How did I end up with this ugly mother f-cker? Oh’Lord this mother f-cker is ugly and stupid. I had a good man and I blew it. Damn! Lord. Kill my man. Kill him please! Kill him until I look good enough to find something new. Please kill this mother f-cker! Now! Strike him! Strike him! If you are out there strike this mother f-cker dead!”
Try to work out this type of relationship. LOL

Hah. It generally isn't that hard to work out that your woman is thinking this. Most women wear their heart on their sleeves lol. And if my woman was thinking this then the first person I'd blame was me, and think - where have I gone wrong and how to I make it better? :)

That's how lots of men are living their lives ... blaming themselves that at the critical juncture in their lives they thought with the wrong head. LOL