Real winter.

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Good afternoon everyone. I want to share observations - pets are also happy with snow.
We all saw snow for the first time. So is our little cat Sonka. Going out into the street in the morning and seeing the snow, she made huge eyes. Failing her legs in a white cloth, she moved forward on her abdomen.

Всем добрый день. Хочу поделиться наблюдениями - домашние питомцы тоже радуются снегу.
Все мы когда-то впервые увидели снег. Так и наша кошечка Сонька. Выйдя утром на улицу и увидев снег, сделала огромные глаза. Проваливаясь ножками в белой пелене продвигалась вперед на брюшке.



After exploring everything on earth, she climbed onto the arch from the grapes and began to examine everything around. They have a small world, but they are interesting. Love nature and these little defenseless beings. Appreciate every moment.
All good luck and prosperity.

Исследовав все на земле, она забралась на арку с винограда и начала рассматривать все вокруг. У них маленький мир, но им интересен. Любите природу и эти маленькие беззащитные существа. Цените каждое мгновенье.
Всем удачи и процветания.



Thank you for Your attention!
Follow me! @libriya
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Sonka is the most marvellous little critter I've ever laid my eyes on, the sight over her playing in that splendid winter scene brings so much joy to my heart. Thanks for the pictures :)

It has filled my heart with love :)

Thank you. She always evokes a feeling of love and affection.

Thank you. She lives with us recently, and there are a lot of photos, it's so funny. We love her very much.

Aww Sonka is the most adorable pussy I have ever seen :) She looks like she loves the white stuff! MY pussy would be scared to go outside in the cold.

Yes she is truely adorable hehehe

Thank you. Our grandson found her on the street. We love her very much. Even the husband picks up and feeds.

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