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RE: Would you take a pill that promised immortality?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I can't speak for anyone else, nor should I but…

What kind of idiot opts to die because they just can't get enough motivation to get up and do something in the morning lest they can look down the long tunnel of their mortality and see death coming like an onrushing train with the lights out on the front?

Seriously. This is a no-brainer question.

Given the option, always pick "be alive." Subject to the caveats of "relatively good health," "regeneration is preferable," "change is possible."

Being alive and in constant pain or with significant physical disability? Take the death.

Lose a limb? Does it regrow or can we replace it? If not, take the death. (This goes back to significant physical disability above.)

Form of eternal life which requires that you not learn or not change significantly across that? Take the death. You'd be missing out on the whole point of continuing to exist.

Everything else? Negotiable. Immortality has a lot of options. You can spend a decade just wallowing in the schadenfreude of other people! (I've spent most of a lifetime doing just that upfront.) Given enough time, you will learn just about anything. Given enough time, you can go just about anywhere. Given enough time, you will find. You just don't feel very motivated – and whole centuries that you work in a manic fever.

Given enough time.

Step one: get enough time.