The World is becoming better for developing countries; the world is getting better

in #life7 years ago

I was just checking online when saw this nice piece and feels i should share with the us. Do you know about the lifestraw filiters? This straw isn't just made, it is made to safe life of people who are in developing countries and couldn't have access to good drinkable water and thus expose to different kinds and types of diseases. I was a victim of this in my school when i couldn't afford the sachet water called pure water and i suffered greatly from dysentery, typhoid,diarrheal and stomachAche that nearly claim my life, seeing this i feel like sharing though the next question is, is it is affordable?
But before i talk about that the life straw filters, filters virtually all microbiological contaminations to make water safe for drink and help emergency scenarios perhaps following natural disaster when water is contaminated.
I think it is very resourceful checking the latest statistics of the numbers of people that die yearly of waterborne diseases make it very resourceful mostly for developing countries. It has been said that waterborne diseases kills 3.4 million people each year and the statistics is even showing increase in numbers of people losing their lifes to waterborne diseases. I think you might also think it's resourceful, maybe you doubt?
In just one example of widespread
contamination-related disease, in Bangladesh,
anywhere between 30% to 50% of the population since the 1980s has been afflicted with skin lesions caused by exposure to water
contaminated with arsenic. It takes up to ten
years for these lesions to occur, which means
that this arsenic exposure has been going on for
a long time. Recent water testing has made
some strides toward solving this problem, but it
still rages on. I think it becoming more interesting because alot of people thought that the diseases that are common to drinking contaminated water are diarrhoea,cholera,guinea worm,typhoid and dysentery like i think but i'll share with us about some other deadly, sorry deadlest diseases if there is anything like that, that are categorized under the following: bacterial,viral and parasitic diseases.
Bacterial Diseases:
Salmone llosis
E. Coli and then the popular one
Cholera and Typhoid
Viral Diseases:
Hapatitis A and
Dengue fever
Parasitic Diseases:
Crypotosporidium and
Though water born diseases are common in Africa or developing countries, it's isn't just just occurring here it ranges to other developing countries even in USA for a couple of weeks in 1993, Milwaukee a city in Wisconsin Washington saw a significant outbreak of illness related to digestive system. The problem lasted without anyone able to pinpoint, later 26% of the city population was sick and tested and turned out having crypotosporidium. I think carefully we'll all think that starwlife is really resourceful. What about the price? If it is make for the developing countries then there ought to be a consideration since they won't be expose to waterborne diseases if they have more income and savings they could have dug a well, or borehole to access drinkable water. According to on Wikipedia it cost just $5 for the personal lifestraw. We have the personal, family and the community lifestraw but i could only verify for the personal lifestraw. I think our world is becoming better and thanks for saving a life ##lifestraw## and you can also contributed to saving lifes too, get a lifestraw for a friend## get for a family## get for a community## "Our world will be safe if we care enough for the living make it a better place for you and for me"... Michael Jackson LifestrawSteel-Masked-sm1.png ## personal lifestraw##lsc-copy.png## community lifestraw##26570_hd.jpg## her life depends on this##
Read more at:, 13 deadly diseases and symptoms and preventions though mostly abortive. Lifestraw is the solution. No chemical damaging health properties.