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RE: UK Murder +27% In 2017; Govt Determined To Ruin What's Left By Embracing Islam

in #life6 years ago (edited)

"Most of your article is what you and western media believe about Islam, not what Muslims believe about Islam."

Right, because they totally weren't factual statistics from various government offices and private watchdogs in the UK. LOL.

Jump in and defend that +27% murder rate in one year any time.

Your utter lack of citations make for a very poor argument against well-established statistics.

You hand-wave away massive increases to violent crimes directly linked to a clear demographic.

"I spent 6 months in Pakistan. Dwarfism was common in some country areas. Mainly because the Koran says to give your first cousin preference in marriage :D (Something which people are beginning to drop)."

It would seem you are seeing the reason why I am against Islam. Not sure why you spent the rest of the comment arguing with me, as we appear to want the same thing (better life for people negatively affected by nonsense.)

The rest of your comment is the whataboustism I already dismissed. Further, Western Governments run amok are not doing it in the name of Christianity - so your claims of a "Christian war on terror" are really complaints about another thing I write about regularly - government corruption.

Haven't heard about the Pope launching any holy wars lately, have you?

Ps - Agreed on Ottoman Empire, in some ways. Islam is at a huge regression point, which is kind of my point. It's barbaric and operating on a year 1500 level. Anything like that in the modern age deserves to be eradicated. Islam is practically at the "witch-burning" level of logic in 2018.
