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RE: History Is Not a Safe Space

in #life8 years ago (edited)

"And the law (the law in this case being the rules in place to get them all to equal opportunity) simply cannot treat them all equally as they are not equal, the needed input to get them all to the same opportunity is simply not equal. Haveing the Laws of "apple stimulus" treat them equally would be foolish."

This is the part where you lose me. If we all agree that we should have a law to raise everyone to a minimum 5 apples, then that law applies equally to someone who has 1 apples or 5 apples - they both are raised to a minimum of 5 apples. I'm good with that.

That's how welfare and means tests work and I don't see it as a problem. This is equal treatment under the law.

You can do the same with discrimination laws. "No one shall be discriminated against for their race or gender."

Or, you can go SJW and force things like "50% female cabinet regardless of merit" - forced equality of outcome instead of equality of opportunity.

I mean, flip that around. What if Trump came in and said "I will force a minimum 50% male cabinet, regardless of merit." That would be obviously sexist and spawn a massive scandal.

However, it is applauded by SJWs when the PM of Canada does the exact same thing. These people are not for any kind of equality. They are only for whatever rule benefits them personally the most.

From Curb Your Enthusiasm:

"Larry complains to his doctor's receptionist about their policy of letting patients see the doctor in the order in which they sign in, regardless of their appointment time. On his next visit, he wrestles Marissa Winokur in order to sign in before her. However, it's a wasted effort as his complaint has led to an abandonment of the "seen as you are signed in" policy. He complains again and this time the receptionist opines that perhaps Larry doesn't want a fair policy, he just wants the "you first policy!" And Larry agrees."

That's what SJWs all want. The SJW first policy. The discriminate, but only in my favor, policy.

It's disgusting, and you defend it when you hurl a term like MRA as if it should automatically be an insult because SJWs think it should be.

Feminist, now that's a word that sounds like a lot of other nasty words I know. Racist. Sexist. Genderist. Collectivist. Rapist.


PS - The only group I ascribe myself to is realist. I don't care much for most -isms.