As it has been 100% clear, COVID vaccines do not stop infection or transmission. One would think that this is enough to demolish the idea of vaccine passports but apparently it's not and some are arguing that vaccine passports are still a good idea to reduce infection and transmission as after all, nothing is perfect. The logic is mind blowing because while the statement "nothing is perfect" is probably true, it in no way justifies this discriminatory behavior for the reasons outlined below.
Firstly, even if the assumption that COVID vaccines reduce infection and transmission were to be true, which is not according to at least some "experts", vaccine passports would still be discriminatory for not only breaking the most important ethical code of medicine which is the concept of informed consent, but it would also be treating healthy people as if they're sick until proven healthy? Well not even until proven healthy, because taking a vaccine doesn't make you healthy. This is literally a 180 to the most basic criminal law which is innocent until proven guilty not guilty until proven innocent.
Secondly, if we want to make up laws based on probablities rather than facts, we might as well introduce a religious passport. How about the probablity that Muslims are more likely to commit a terror attack than followers of other religions? Why not use that as an excuse to discriminate against all Muslims?! And just like an unvaccinated person can become vaccinated, a Muslim can also become a Christian or Atheist. And if they don't choose to denounce their faith in Islam and their allegiance to Allah, then it should be ok to segregate them and discriminate aganist them, right? Many who support vaccine passports would say no this is not the same thing. But it is exactly the same thing.
Thirdly, since both the vaccinated and unvaccinated people can become infectious and transmit the virus, why not require a COVID test from both groups instead of discrimination based on a medical procedure that does not stop transmission or infection? I keep saying that a COVID test passport makes a lot more sense if at least the intentions of these people are genuine but when they reject this and insist on a vaccine passport, I can't possibly accept that their intentions are actually genuine. It seems like a mindless cult at this point.
I had relatives who all got covid when they showed vaccine cards and a negative test to go to a party
This is not about our health but about control. The PCR test was never intended to be a diagnostic tool, as stated by the inventor Kary Mullis. The globalists think nothing of us except as sheep or cattle and it sure feels like a culling is happening, sadly. The sick psychopaths are in charge because most of us like our semi-easy lives where we allow others to work in government and make the big decisions.
This is a mind control operation on a grand scale. Like you said, "It seems like a mindless cult at this point." It is a cult. Popular culture lulls us to sleep and keeps us entertained while we lose community, the ability to make or fix anything, and grow our own food. The good news is that people are waking up to this matrix of lies, thus the HUGE push to control the narrative globally. We can look at the big picture and then know that what we need to focus on is our local communities and economies. They want the states to break up, so don't let that happen. They want the food systems to be destroyed, so let us see what the farmers need in our region. It's predicted that Bitcoin will collapse in the next couple of months. Barter and trade. We don't need to be tracked and traced. We don't need an RFID in us or our animals.
I'll get off my soapbox now. I am just done with this freakin' agenda and the stupid masks, etc. You tell a big enough lie and people will believe it (a quote from a high level Nazi). It's time to pull back the emerald curtain; we're not in Kansas anymore.