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RE: This is What Happens When I Neglect My Reading

in #life7 years ago

Ah, thank you for the compliment. I've been wearing the same shape of glasses for about 15 years, so the new style feels a little weird and is taking some adjustment, but I'm sure I'll get used to them soon.

I keep track of how many books I read, and try to read at least one more each year than I did the year before. It's been a looooong time since I read as many as you did last year, though. Motherhood doesn't let me read as voraciously as I once did. This year's goal is 24, and I'm at three so far. We'll see how I do.

I usually do read fiction while I am working on a book, but I have to be careful to avoid voice creep. I'm fairly accustomed to checking for it in my edits these days.