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RE: The Accident

in #life7 years ago

Just think how lucky you are not to have chosen nursing or caring as a career.
Imagine the embarrassment the old guy must have had to ask you to clean up for him.
You probably got a 'brownie point from father-in-law as well.
Start planning now, you will reach that fine old age when you can enjoy your Sat Beer Tasting, and get a youngie to clean up after you on Sun.
Enjoy the thought. :)


I look forward to the days when I no longer have to did with the toilet lol

I don't think it earned me any brownie points which I find quite staggering!

It must have, if you hadn't been there FIL would have had the mess [or he would have delegated MIL]
Things with the white throne will concern you for the rest of your life, for good and bad.
Ignore the job, it washes off, you are none the worse.
Years ago we had an overseas visiting aeroplane arrive at Ohakea, the toilet draining system was "to connect the outlet to a couple of 44 gal drums, open the valve and let gravity do the work".
Normally, everything went well, this time, they had been flying at great altitude where the outside temperature was minus 15 to 20 degrees C.
Everything was frozen, they did the connection, valve bit, nothing happened.
A brave soul was given the task of chipping through the blockage with a screwdriver until he reached paydirt, then quickly [very quickly] refit the connection.
He didn't do too bad, just a shower and a clean pair of overalls required.
The driver was still laughing as he drove off, turned the corner past the bosses office too quick and rolled the trailer, complete with contents across the road.
It took the fire brigade and their trucks an hour or two to clean up the mess.

Oh man, that's a kicker and a half. I guess the screwdriver picker really did have the essay but compared to what followed!