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RE: Maybe It's Because He's a Londoner

in #life3 years ago

I love a good incomprehensible accent, they make me chuckle

Yeah. I prefer listening to others conversations in that case. I find it a little awkward and embarrassing when someone is talking to me and asking a question and I can't understand what is being said. After asking them to repeat it for the 3rd time and I'm still not getting it, I basically want to crawl in a hole and hide lol. It doesn't happen often but when it does, I feel like an idiot haha Actually here in France I never understand anyone but that's for a whole other reason. I can't speak French 😆


Haha, I know exactly what you mean. Especially that gut wrenching feeling when you have asked them to repeat what they said for the third time and you realise you still have no idea and you have to gamble with pretending you understood!

I am sure the French tongue will slip into you by osmosis over time!!

Yes, exactly lol