Happy Hippie - Ways to be a modern hippie

in #life8 years ago

Hippies got their name since they were "hip" or mindful of what was going ahead in their general surroundings. The hippie development became out of the before maverick development, which was a gathering of protesters living in the Haight-Ashbury area of San Francisco. 

One way hippies demonstrated their disappointment with society was by their appearance. This was a noticeable approach to speak to their convictions. 

Instructions to be a hippie: 

 ♪ Eat natural sustenances: Attempt to purchase natural nourishments and keep away from hereditarily adjusted sustenances no matter what. Hippie's find that it is better for the earth and more advantageous for the body. 

 ♪ Eat a veggie lover abstain from food: Vegetarianism isn't for everybody, except a ton of hippies are vegan. 

 ♪ Bolster nearby ranches: One route in supporting your neighborhood group is by purchasing produce or meats straightforwardly from the agriculturist who develops it. You can do this by going to a neighborhood rancher's market. In the event that you have sufficient energy, get to be distinctly required with the neighborhood agriculturists in your group. 

 ♪ Relax: Hippies customarily and right up 'til the present time have long hair. It isn't required, yet for both young ladies and folks, common, long hair is seen as hippie. 

 ♪ Dress like a hippie: Hippies as a rule wear long, streaming shirts, long skirts, creatively colored, ringer base jeans, strap tops, headbands, and dressing things with botanical prints. 

 ♪ Try not to wear cosmetics: Attempt to go all characteristic without cosmetics, however in the event that you do choose to wear cosmetics. 

 ♪ Give the greater part of your hair a chance to develop: Young men typically have facial hair, yet in the event that you experience difficulty developing facial hair, don't sweat it. 

 ♪ Wear shoes: The great shoe in the prime of hippies was Birkenstocks, however today the shoe has changed. 

 ♪ Decorate like a hippie: Present day hippies appreciate precious stones and gems that consolidates gem recuperating. 

 ♪ Be quiet, cool, and gathered: Hippies are generally laid back and aren't upsetting. On the off chance that you have something that is worrying you, take full breaths and sit back for a couple of minutes.


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Image source: 

1) https://pixabay.com/en/vanagon-volkswagon-kombi-van-1919554/

2) https://pixabay.com/en/domestic-cat-cat-adidas-relaxed-726989/


Haha ! very funny ! great post 😎✌👍👣💙❣

Thank you so much for reading, Karen!

I have to ask is english your first language?

Nope, but I've been learning English really hard over the last three years.

Yea some your you sentences don't fully work as they should. I don't know any other languages so I still give you props.

Thanks for mentioning that, @spbesner! I will try to do my best to improve my next posts.

hmmmm I may be :)

I think that that's awesome! @tfhg

Love it! Followed up! ^^

Thank you so much for your support @mathitravels!

Was interesting :)

Love this post! I am just settling back into hippiehood after an extended period of normalcy.

Fun article. Hippies also tend to be empathetic seekers who read a lot, practice flow arts, study herbalism and permaculture, get involved, make art and music together, and expand their consciousness.
Erik the Shaman.jpg...Or so they tell me.
image via www.astralcowboyart.com

love being a hippie One World One People good vibes.